Best timeline, counteroffensive is a spectacular failure. Germany and maybe France reach sufficient internal support to seek rapprochement with Russia. All the countries that recently joined NATO have to double-down or be really fucking embarassed. Germany and maybe France start to distance themselves from NATO to continue rapprochement with Russia. Further decrease in the reach of the NATO-imperial apparatus.
OR worst timeline, we get a Polish YOLO....
How the hell does Biden or anyone in the state dept expect to 180 from a failure in Ukraine to a war with China? Europe is basically out of munitions, demoralized, and the rise in gas prices has agitated the people and businesses. You want to try to cut off another massive trade partner from Europe? Macron is already pushing back and talking to China.
America will simply produce all the weapons for the EU, and then Asia :so-true:
Also worrying is how Biden would have to frame a pullback from the conflict if it becomes a serious question in the coming year given the 2024 US election which he's already announced he's running for.
The Reddit Army will be unhinged if Biden pulls out of this thing. They've been hard in the paint for Ukraine for so long...
I wonder whether this could impact Biden's reelection.
Honestly the reddit Ukraine shit is insufferable. Every clip is set to music. Like God damn can you dial back the intensity of the propaganda for five fucking minutes?
Both sides are doing that. Putting your favorite shitty music over video you took of the battlefield is on of the few upsides of being in a warzone.
It's usually some weird extended tiktok song, complete with distorted synth and beats. Thid id what Anglos prefer to hear along with their snuff films.
It happens all over but you don't see much of the Russian stuff on :reddit-logo:
If Biden loses the war, the libs will melt down for one day, then pretend that either the whole thing never happened or that it isn’t relevant anymore. Then they will say that Trump is worse because he didn’t stick it to Putin, he’s actually Putin’s puppet!
Right in sync with everyone's Ukraine flag bumper stickers fading out in my area
In a year or 2 everyone will pretend that they had always been on the right side of history.
I thought the ghost of kyiv (also known as keanu reeves) was singlehandedly slaughtering everyone who speaks orcish (russian) in their entire country and that the war was basically already won???
It is strange that orcish (Russian) is so similar to elvish (Ukraini), perhaps Russians were like Ukrainians once
(idk where I was going with this)
That's not how The Ghost works. He's like Jesus. He'll perform miracles on his own terms. The Ghost of Kyiv doesn't owe you anything.
:cheeto-man: turning NAFO as Biden drops them would definitely be a suitably hellworld development
I doubt it he's been pretty anti Ukraine so far and that's very in line with his America first position. More importantly Ukraine is a democrat war
I dunno, i bet those dweebs will stick around to signal boost whatever gladio-style fash stay behind groups they can find doing terrorist shit postwar
Ukraine or the oblasts Russia takes over. All those weapons aren't gonna disappear, and i worry that as long as the cia can keep finding ideologically motivated bandera worshippers in west ukraine to send east to kill russians the unrest will continue for a while even if russia's goal of large scale demilitarization is successful
And if that does happen, you just know those nafo fucks will gladly cheerlead them no matter how many atrocities they commit. In fact, atrocities might even make them cheer louder :doomer:
I hope you're right, i just want the bloodshed to fuckin end. Well, except for the fash ig, they can continue dying en mass
yeah I can't help but draw a connection between many of the most militant brazilian anti-communist militias dying in Ukraine and Lula coming back
The most deranged place in Ukraine is Kiev, Galicia looks downright normal in comparison.
i've heard rumblings that the draft mostly targets eastern ukrainians while leaving the galician :frothingfash: largely untouched
obviously impossible to get accurate stats currently but big sad if true
NATO fought to the last Ukrainian, just coming around sooner than I thought. Any news that can end this pointless slaughter is good in my book. :biblically-accurate-kitty:
Problematic as he is, Scott Ritter said the war would be over by August or September at the latest.
Gazprom has said it is technically possible to repair the ruptured lines, but two sources familiar with plans said Moscow saw little prospect of relations with the West improving enough in the foreseeable future for the pipelines to be needed.
I thought they said seawater would corrode the insides of what's left? this is good news
Publicly, President Joe Biden’s team has offered unwavering support for Ukraine, pledging to load it up with weapons and economic aid for “as long as it takes.” But, if the impending fighting season yields limited gains, administration officials have expressed privately they fear being faced with a two-headed monster attacking it from the hawkish and dovish ends of the spectrum.
One side will say that Ukraine’s advances would’ve worked had the administration given Kyiv everything it asked for, namely longer-range missiles, fighter jets and more air defenses. The other side, administration officials worry, will claim Ukraine’s shortcoming proves it can’t force Russia out of its territory completely.
One of the most prominent conspiracy theories regarding JFK's death is that he was assassinated by the hawkish faction of the CIA after he refused to send reinforcements during the Bay of Pigs Invasion knowing it was insane and pointless. Oh, by the way, it happened during his re-election campaign.
They wouldn't even need to shoot Joe, they could just jump scare him and say it was supposed to be a silly prank as his heart collapses in on itself
It's a blog. It's a bygone relic of before the internet became just 8 websites.
Some pseudonymous guy called "b". It looks like that because it was made by some guy using his knowledge of HTML instead of a blog template service. It was made in 2004 and the aesthetic never updated. It used to be that huge tracts of the internet looked something like this back in the wild west days, before the corporations took over.
I love it honestly, loads in a millisecond and most likely doesnt track every fucking breath i take while reading.
Leftist as long as you don't read the comment section, brainworms galore in there usually
b is a German guy who served in the military, anti-imperialist but definitely still has a few liberal brainworms
Germans and websites that look like they're from 2004, name a more iconic duo.
Why is their aesthetic so weird?
because you were born after 9/11
"Alabama Song" or "Moon of Alabama" is actually a Bertolt Brecht song that is what the name references
On further reflection it could also be (I think it is) a double reference, to both the song "Moon of Alabama" as well as the blog "Whiskey Bar" that covered the Iraq War in the 2000's.
Billmon was one of the earliest participants at DailyKos. His own blog, Whiskey Bar, came into being in the aftermath of the American invasion of Iraq in the spring of 2003. The actual name of the blog Whiskey Bar is taken from a line from Bertolt Brecht's "Alabama Song," quoted at the top of the blog.
E) just noticed at the bottom of the wiki it says Moon of Alabama is Billmon's new blog lol
I was like 10 during 9/11 strict were your parents lol? I was basically the same age and everything on the internet looked like this
If Poland goes for it without American permission no one will have their back
Unless the US banked on the ridiculous scenario that the sanctions could've led to the Russian bourgeois class couping Putin, i'd say the main goal of this conflict was to drive a wedge between the EU, Russia and their economic cooperation and that part has been successful from an Amerikan perspective. It's plausible to me that the US will wind down support for Ukraine and agrees to a redrawing of borders that, while making some territorial losses for Ukraine permanent, will also ensure some US bases in the remainder of the country as outposts in a new Cold War, but it won't allow a return to pre-war levels of cooperation between Germany and Russia, not after they've blown up the pipeline.
This isn't just about a confrontation with Russia, it's also about capping the growth of the EU as a potential rival in a multipolar world. A way to tell the transatlantic vassals who's boss.
I think there's definitely a chunk of the US state department and maybe even the deep-state who in their imperial delirium thought that they could genuinely set off a coup within Russia by undermining support for Putin amongst the elite, seeing him as the belt-buckle holding together a rotting carcass of oligarchs.
Which would tell you that they don't actually understand Russia very well, whether it's the average Russian or the ruling class.
At the same time I don't think the US state is insane. They'd rather trade-off some losses which might be embarassing in the short-run, if it ensures a broader success of keeping a leash on the Europeans. If they have a rump militarized state with a US puppet government and NATO military bases, then they might be happy having a defensive rump and potential launching-off point facing Russia. But would Russia or Belorussia accept that?
Thing is if Russia is not going to accept Ukraine, even a rump version, being part of NATO or remaining militarized, then the ball's in their court whether to accept that or not and instead just keep pushing for full demilitarization, maybe hoping that NATO will give up, which itself depends on how hawkish a desperate situation for Ukraine makes NATO, especially the US and the Poles.
That’s grim for the Ukrainians if they’re comparing them to the Afghanis . That would mean we could be only months at the most from total collapse of the Ukrainian state.
Ukraine is more stable than Afghanistan was. Ukraine has an actual base of support the old Afghan government barely existed outside of the capital city
The previous article talking about Kim Dotcom and Seth Rich made me all :what-year-is-it: