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  • ashinadash [she/her]
    6 months ago
    bunch of stupid whiny bullshit
    probably bad to post but I have never had good judgement anyway, cw lil bit of 4chan language

    Can you make a good case for why I should do anything other than never post here again? I can't. I'm really not into lecturing people from my white-gold tower of an impossibly safe city where I've almost never even been harrassed, never am afraid to go out, apparently perfectly pass and fit binary gender expectations due to having started at age 17, being tall and skinny and having long hair and all that. Yes I unironically fell for the "zero-effort youngshit passoid" meme, it kind of sickens me to think that I've been yapping at people from a position of such fucking privilege. I'm not convinced I should ever speak again, and if I did I'm not convinced that literally everyone else would not be much better suited to doing so, because painful social ineptitude is a really ugly ingredient to add to this fucking stupid cocktail. I have never improved when it comes to that shit.

    I probably shouldn't be putting this on the mega so I'm sorry, I just haven't ever felt more discouraged about ever speaking up again. It's easy to brush off stupid liberals in discord servers or whatever, but I actually give a shit about this website.



    Okay I gotta work on some replies. Thank you if you've left one.

    • Tommasi [she/her, pup/pup's]
      6 months ago

      Idk what's been going on to make you feel that way, but I like you and I'd be sad if I never saw your comments again.

    • nemmybun [she/her, sae/saer]
      6 months ago

      I do not actually believe that anybody likes me though.

      I like you and I think this community would be worse off without you.

    • EstraDoll [she/her]
      6 months ago

      oh please don't leave, you're one of my favorite posters in this thread

      • ashinadash [she/her]
        6 months ago

        Okay soz kitty-cri-texas realistically I'm probably not strong enough to stay away for more than a few days, and I would never have left bearsite entirely..

        • EstraDoll [she/her]
          6 months ago

          a few weeks ago i saw you left the bearsite for like 3 weeks and i was actually bummed out IRL. please don't leave us, we love you here cuddle

          • ashinadash [she/her]
            6 months ago


            Uh dw I was just cooking my Ogre Tactics post! It's just a bit!!!

            (Okay ty cuddle )

    • BountifulEggnog [she/her]
      6 months ago

      I really love your posts, and would be really sad if you left. You have helped me a lot. I don't feel lectured from a golden tower or yapped at by a privileged person, I feel related to by a trans person who has been through what I am dealing with. You give me a clear perspective when I'm anxious. I really hope you don't leave. I'm sorry you feel discouraged. I hope you stay, or at least come back from a break if you need one.

      You know more about yourself then I do, but I don't think you are socially innept either.

      I give a shit about you too. I hope you feel better soon.

      • ashinadash [she/her]
        6 months ago

        Woah look at that, I did something good? Impossible, unlikely meow-hug I'm literally happy to hear I have a positive impact on anybody, that's good shit in my books.

        I am really woefully socially inept though, like holy shit don't try to talk to me in chat anywhere, mouth meets foot very fast negative

        Uh I wasn't gonna leave the entire bearsite though, worst case I might have left the mega but I probably couldn't even stay away. Sorry, didn't intend to scare...

    • Lenins_Cat_Reincarnated
      6 months ago

      Most likeable person in trans community: ‘I do not actually believe that anybody likes me’.

      I’m kidding and I understand where you’re coming from but I don’t think you did much harm and your perspective is still valuable. Not every conversation goes perfect and not everyone is perceptive to what you have to say but that should be okay I think. The different perspectives people in this community have make this space valuable.

      I don’t know if this is you but I have a thing where once I fuck up or I sense that people get to know me too well in a space (online or irl) I have to disappear because it makes me uncomfortable. Sometimes I make a new account if it’s online and sometimes I just leave. You should do whatever makes you feel comfortable though, I think it should be clear that a lot of people like you here but if you feel like you want to leave then that’s okay too!

      • ashinadash [she/her]
        6 months ago

        If by "most likeable person" you mean "least perceptive autist in chat" =)

        I guess, this is supposed to be what I'm good at though and I fucked up anyway. Feel like a complete asshole kinda. You're right that the diverse viewpoints make the mega and generally the bearsite rad though...

        Uh yes to fucking up, no to "knowing too much"... I actually like the idea that people would remember stuff about me, but it's a severe embarrassment reaction (REJECTION SENSITIVITY DYSPHORIA) if I open-mouth-insert-foot somehow, y'know...

        • Lenins_Cat_Reincarnated
          6 months ago

          Your posts helped me become more comfortable with the fact that I’m trans masc but still like to present feminine in some ways, so take that as a compliment I guess!

          • ashinadash [she/her]
            6 months ago

            Shit, really? I consider my posts to be narrow in focus so this is actually a huge compliment, wtf trans-heart

      • QueerCommie [she/her, fae/faer]
        6 months ago

        I’m the opposite. I say whatever the fuck and start struggle sessions and self crit live, finally trying to get my opponent to like me by showing how I have made the best out of our two positions and it was all fun rhetorical games.

    • khizuo [ze/zir]
      6 months ago
      talking about privilege, social anxiety, all the things

      I too speak from a position with a lot of privilege. I live in a lib area where for the most part I don't have to worry about getting harassed for presenting queer in public, I've never really had to agonize about passing, and I don't experience much transphobia in my daily life. I came out at 16 and had a really smooth social transition. I'm transmisogyny-exempt. The thing that I struggle with the most is the fact that I'm not on HRT yet (due to living at my parents house) but while that does cause me dysphoria, it hasn't really stopped me from being out and open as trans and generally getting accepted as such.

      I also struggle socially. My social problems may manifest a bit differently to yours — I struggle to hold conversations, and I especially struggle with responding to people (which in a day and age where ghosting is like a cardinal sin does feel really bad.) I have a difficult time gauging what people will take offense to and I overcompensate by masking my entire personality. I've always really admired people who openly gush about their interests because it's something I want to be able to do.

      I've never gotten the vibe from you that you are lecturing from a position of privilege or anything, but that you are passionate about queer liberation and want to provide an empathetic voice. And that's super fucking cool! I love reading your posts about gender because while I'm also nonbinary, my experience of being nonbinary is very different from yours and I enjoy seeing different perspectives on the whole gender thing. Not to mention your queer lit posting is also fantastic, it's some of my favorite stuff to read while scrolling the bear site.

      To me you are one of the posting cornerstones of the trans mega. I've loved watching this little community grow over the past few months, and you are one of the people who helped build that community. I would be sad to see you go.

      • ashinadash [she/her]
        6 months ago

        denji-just-like-me ZE JUST LIKE ME FR FR

        I feel kinda good reading this actually. I'm pretty much considered a weird, lucky special case wherever I go, so it's really cool to hear from someone similar to me. Fuckin rad =) Glad to hear being trans is going at least okay for you so far.

        Yeah I can relate, I respond okay online but in person or realtime chat I will drop spaghetti and run away. I do okay not offending people at least... I found masking to be exhausting and goofy, so I try not to as much as possible. In some social situations it's necessary, and I still have to talk to like service workers or cab drivers, but generally I try to live without the 'tism mask, and mainly that means fuckin infodumps and essays. I want to talk BIG about my goofy interests. And so...

        I've always really admired people who openly gush about their interests because it's something I want to be able to do.

        meow-shining THIS IS THE BEST POSSIBLE THING I COULD HEAR, I'm always trying to make giant infodumps and whatever else about weird niche interests more normalised, which tbf bear website is pretty good about, but gushing about your interests is RAD everyone should do it!!! Lets fucking gooooooooo!!!!!

        Okay awesome, thank you kel-bliss I guess people have different perceptions, I haven't heard anything super negative though so that's good. I do in fact luv me queer liberation and want to be empathetic!!! I can see myself in our beloved dorky eggs in so many ways. The mega is splendid and I wanna give back to it any way I can. Contrasting and comparing different experiences of being NB is great, I love that.

        I wish people would stop saying they enjoy my book posting though badeline-anxious I have an audience and they actually like that shit... wtf scary........ (translated: I am shocked and flattered and pleased, I fucking love bookposting)

        Waow kel-bliss I have loved watching this place blow up and grow, 912 comments the last week of pride was super cool. I guess I will Never Stop Posting rosa-salute

        • QueerCommie [she/her, fae/faer]
          6 months ago

          NB stuff is epic. I too, do not mask irl. I don’t think I have much of an autistic social deficit, but I do got the ADHD surplus. I’m either “fuck you for trying to speak to me,” or cannot stop talking, esp about special interests. Online I love special interest posting if I have the same interest but scroll past if not, but irl I just love hearing people talk about fixations.

        • khizuo [ze/zir]
          6 months ago

          Yeah I get that, I think I'm probably younger than most people in the mega yet I've been out as trans for just as long or longer. I think of it as a testament to the fact that being trans is a much more understood thing now than it was even just ten or fifteen years ago meow-tankie I was one of the first people in my high school cohort to come out, but since then I've met quite a few trans people who came out in middle/high school. Some of them have accepting parents, even!

          Haha I find responding online to be really difficult. I'm also autistic but I mask a lot and I honestly aspire to mask less? But also I've had very little in-person social interaction for over a year outside of my family so honestly idek how I come across now.

          ... maybe I will try to do some more infodumps about my silly little hobbies blob-no-thoughts

          I love this mega. May the Posting continue trans-ferret

          • ashinadash [she/her]
            6 months ago

            I think of it as a testament to the fact that being trans is a much more understood thing now than it was even just ten or fifteen years ago

            lets-fucking-go I VIEW IT THIS WAY TOO AND IT FUCKS, makes me really happy every time some trans dork is like 15 or something. New generations benefitting from the tireless activism of our forebears!!!!! Coincidentally I caused a bunch of people to come out at my highschool but lost contact with all of em, lol

            I think it kinda helps not going outside, I'm allergic to grass anyway tbh. touch-grass Tearing off the mask is hard work, it can get ingrained as a defense mechanism or survival tool, but it's worth it to tear off imo. I like being autistic.

            If you do infodumps I will upbear them, lfg 07

    • BountifulEggnog [she/her]
      6 months ago
      response to the edit

      I do not actually believe that anybody likes me though.

      Whatever it is, its your brain lying to you. I like you.

      It makes me sad you feel this way. I hope the responses you get can help you not feel that way.

      • ashinadash [she/her]
        6 months ago

        your brain lying to you

        Many such cases, we hate to see it, don't we folks... The replies have been pretty good but it's tough to internalise...

    • WalrusDragonOnABike [they/them]
      6 months ago

      I'd hate to see you go. It seemed like you made sure to give appropriate disclaimers and pre-emptively acknowledged that you may have had some extra factors in your favor from the beginning and added necessary commentary. Maybe you could have had a more friendly tone, but tone policing is lame and sometimes being a little rude is necessary to convey your feelings. Not like I haven't been on the receiving end of it (although I agreed the reaction was appropriate if I was actually trying to say what people thought I was saying, so its not like I felt personally attacked by the replies).

      • ashinadash [she/her]
        6 months ago

        bocchi-cry Wow I didn't even know I was being a HUGE FUCKING DICK!!! You learn something new every day inside-im-crying

        • WalrusDragonOnABike [they/them]
          6 months ago

          I hope you know I don't mean it that way. Getting upset with someone spouting self-negative stuff seems like it would just mean you care about them, hardly "HUGE FUCKING DUCK" behavior.

          • ashinadash [she/her]
            6 months ago

            Yeah but that's not very cool, not supposed to happen, not the intent bocchi-cry

    • naom3 [she/her]
      6 months ago

      I think you should know that no one hates you or wants you gone and I think everyone here appreciates your posts, myself included.

      When you make a mistake it’s ok to apologize and move on. No one's perfect and, although we love our struggle sessions and can get overly passionate sometimes, hexbear is a place for community and that means space to forgive and grow. As a fellow autist I know what it’s like to misread something or to be socially unaware and not realize it until later only to then obsess about it and make myself feel worse. But it’s ok to make mistakes, it doesn’t make you a bad person, these things just happen sometimes and I don’t think there’s anyone here who thinks a sincere apology and self-crit isn’t enough to make things right.

      To be honest I don’t care enough to read through the struggle session again to see what you said, so I don’t know if you actually did anything that needed apologizing for. I just want you to know that it’s ok to be unaware and make mistakes sometimes, here or elsewhere. You might make a mistake again and that’s ok meow-hug

      • ashinadash [she/her]
        6 months ago

        Haha no surely people dislike me bocchi-cry I'm glad to hear at least even though it's hard to internalise

        Yeah I'm doing exactly that, not realising until later and obsessing about it aubrey-cry-2 I kind of hate leaving people sour on me in general, Idk, feels like I fucked up badly

        struggle session reflection

        I don't think I said anything rude really, it's more that the approach was wrong and everyone else who replied took a much better tack, I'm too A) socially inept B) extremely literal and kind of argument brained. It sucks and I regret, Idk. Doesn't feel that okay...

        • naom3 [she/her]
          6 months ago

          It sucks and I regret, Idk. Doesn't feel that okay...

          Well that’s what makes it a mistake! I’m not saying that nothing you do can ever be wrong, but when you do mess up it’s ok to forgive yourself. Being socially inept doesn’t make you a bad person it’s just the way you are, and it sounds like a lot of people like who you are. Just remember to be kind to yourself meow-hug

          • ashinadash [she/her]
            6 months ago

            I guess Idk... Fucked up that people like the weird bit that is my existence kobeni-sweat I will try to be nice to my dumb ass

        • QueerCommie [she/her, fae/faer]
          6 months ago

          If it helps, my inability to delay gratification got me excessively reloading hoping for another reply from you.

    • thirtymilliondeadfish [she/her]
      6 months ago

      Idk what's brought this on but I've always appreciated your posts.

      17's young, sure, but the rest of it could be any of us. Your experiences and perspective are valuable, likewise with sharing them. It helps seeing/sharing what's on the other side, y'know?

      • ashinadash [she/her]
        6 months ago

        Struggle session bocchi-cry

        The rest could be any of us, that's kinda what I try to emphasize I guess... You could attribute my passing and stuff to being young, but there are people who started older than me who are like prettier or more passable or whatever. It's a lottery, kinda thing!

        I hope it helps seeing what's on the other side....

    • 🎀 Seryph (She/Her)
      6 months ago

      I can absolutely understand and empathise with that feeling that your perspective is in some way irreedeemably skewed because of your own experience and privilege in transition and that you shouldn't post things because of it. But that's not true, as much as it might feel like it is. Your perspective and experiences aren't useless just because they don't conform to the usual suffering narrative and pain that other trans people go through. Sure, you're able to pass and haven't been harassed (as much) as you could be, but that just shows that it can be better for those of us who often are. It's so easy for us to forget that not everything is awful and scary when existing as a trans person, to forget the joy that can come from it, to forget that the reason we started transitioning in the first place was that it would help us become actually happy some day. Not happy in the sense of moment to moment joy, but in the sense of self-fulfillment. And when we forget these things it can be so easy to just wallow in our pain, to lash out at others, or to not push ourselves to make any progress because if nothing we do helps us, why bother? Your perspective and experiences help to keep that goal in view, at least for myself.

      And besides, your particular focus on gender liberatory experiences compared to binary experiences is important to have. Sure sometimes you might fail to recognise how important certain things are for binary trans people, but often those same things do have deeper problematic aspects to them that you do recognise. It's not your fault if someone doesn't recognise that and instead continues to feel that passing is too difficult or outright impossible for them. Just try to meet them a little bit more at the middle, getting rid of those brainworms is incredibly hard and can take forever and going a bit slower can sometimes help. (I know you probably feel this is targeted at you Tomboymoder, but it isn't, you're not the only one here who feels like that sometimes)

      You're always going to feel like there is someone who might be better suited to help a person, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't. That idealised person who can perfectly help in the situation doesn't exist. And while others might be able to find a better angle than you, that doesn't mean that yours is useless. It can often be just as important, even if it may not seem as illuminating or helpful. I know there have been a few cases where I felt that you caught something I entirely missed when we were both speaking to someone. And often the weight of having more reasons and help can be important too. And what about if the person in question who is more suited isn't able to help for one reason or another? I often rely on people who have more energy than me in the moment to help people who I would like to but can't due to my current situation. You know I do that. And I'm not the only one. Having someone who is willing to help when others are busy or tired is a great thing since being left hanging can feel far worse than just getting "bad" advice does. And you're often that person here, you're always willing to help or talk about these things and that's incredible. I wish I could be half as helpful as you are sometimes. Even your little posts of sympathy towards my small feelings of pain often help me a lot more than I can express here.

      And don't feel sorry for putting this on the mega. This is something serious and important for you to say. We all post things that are complex, difficult, and hard for us here all the time, that's part of what makes this place so nice is that we're able to do that and be met with empathy and help. Empathy and help which often comes from you, Ash.

      And sure, sometimes these will become conflicts, but that's inevitable in any online space, it's not something fundamentally wrong with you. And you don't have to let them become something that makes you leave the spaces you love. Sometimes two people butt heads and aren't compatible, but they can still inhabit the same space. (And worse comes to worse blocking exists) And sometimes you'll argue with friends, but that doesn't mean that you can't still be friends outside of that argument. I'm sure everyone here has someone they care about who is at least a bit of a lib, for instance, even if it's just a family member.

      Gushy honest feelings

      And I really hope you stay, Ash. I know it can be hard to believe when you're feeling that sort of anxiety about friendships but I do really care about you. Just like how I view Ocommie and Bountiful as my cute little sisters I think of you as a fun big sister (or just sibling if you prefer). And I hope you believe me when I say that, and that I deeply care for you and your wellbeing. Without you here I'd lose one of the people who makes this space so incredible, one of the people who make me love it so much. I love your posts here, I love how deeply passionate you can be about things and how you encourage me and others to be too, I love how you nerd out about queer literature and how it makes me want to do the same, to start reading the things you're interested in when they seem interesting to me, I love your goofiness, and how it always brings a bit of a smile to my face when I read one of your posts, I love how kind you often are to me and everyone else here, I love how your perspective often challenges my preconceived notions and makes me think and improve my own understanding of gender and who I myself am, I love seeing you and Magi being so cute together in the megas, and I love how you clearly care so much about us too.

      I love that I can consider you a friend.

      So I hope you'll stay, because you're important to me and so many other people here, because you're a great person, Ash.

      • BountifulEggnog [she/her]
        6 months ago

        Thank you for writing this all out, for Ash. I could not have written something like this, but I wholeheartedly agree with you. I am glad someone could say it.

        also omg crush I'd like to think of you both as my older sisters.

      • ashinadash [she/her]
        6 months ago

        Firstly holy shit what an essay. Positive connotation.

        Do people really see it that way, that they can see how it gets better and you can achieve self-fulfillment? I'm really happy if so, I worry about sorta condescending to people though. Y'know, as in "easy for a y******** p****** to say"... brainworm ass...

        I have appreciated basically journaling the first steps and whlle journey going from "binary transfem" to "weird & kinda scary none biney" so it's good to hear that other people appreciate it. But you do bring up the orher concern I had, which is that "na brainworms are on watch" didn't work out bocchi-cry I'll probably just stop cause honestly I fucking hate the feeling of lecturing or condescending to people... not exactly a high point of my bear website use... I just feel like I fucked up really badly when there are so many better spoken and kinder people here with better approaches.

        I like that my adviceposting is not useless dogshit though!! Thank you I do my best!!! Regarding putthing this in the mega, uh I guess it just feels like I shouldn't put personal, "drama" stuff in, but I guess if it's allowed after all...

        I guess you can't expect to get along with everyone but I try, I've spent so much time fighting people that I just do not have the guts to anymore, that sucks. It feels like a personal failing I guess, if I've antagonised somebody somehow. I would really rather that not exist madeline-sadeline

        NERD, lol imagine being heartfelt and genuine on the internet, what a dork lmao, look at this sincere expression over here!


        Hey thanks for the gender-neutrality allowance, uh I literally don't know what to say. I am legitimately surprised that people care anymore than "oh yea the mega's funny pet autist", but also like... thanks... I'm flattered to the point of what do I even say, I guess. The bookposting, really? Other than Thallo's perpetual bemusement at my shitposting it didn't occur to me that anybody cared... We do some pretty good posting in here though it's true, one of the really excellent things about the mega and the site generally is how open and friendly it is to posting all sincerely and passionately, being a dork. Thankful to hear this though, my biggest hope for yapping in here is that I can improve anybody's mood, their day or week or life or anything... I guess I'm doing good work.


        Nowwwww I gotta go reassure everyone that even worst case I wouldn't have left the bearsite entirely kitty-cri-potato not my intent to imply that lmao oops

        • 🎀 Seryph (She/Her)
          6 months ago

          Firstly holy shit what an essay. Positive connotation.

          I may or may not have checked the word count and realised it's longer than some of the short essays I've had to do for school...

          Do people really see it that way, that they can see how it gets better and you can achieve self-fulfillment?

          I can't speak for anyone else, but yes, for me that's how it feels. It might be my philosopher brain speaking, but it is genuine.

          But you do bring up the other concern I had, which is that “na brainworms are on watch” didn’t work out

          It might not have worked out for some people, but it did for others at times. Including myself, even if I wasn't the target. But I might just be more readily primed for it due to being trans for nearly 4 years now and already being a bit on board the 'gender is a fuck' train. If you do feel you should stop I won't try to stop you though, you can always push the anti-brainworming in the usual way in your posts about queer theory. Don't feel bad if you push it on me sometime though, I promise I won't mind.

          I do feel I should say, you shouldn't compare yourself to me regarding this stuff. I've made it a deliberate point to improve myself in regards to being a good listener/vent helper and I don't think it's fair to yourself to think you're failing because you lack that experience. I used to be far, far worse than you are regarding this stuff and I think that reflects well on you.

          I don't think it's a failing, but I also understand being tired of fights. I hope you won't be too harsh on yourself when they happen again though.

          Oh no I'm cringe....

          Of course I'd allow the neutrality, big sib. And yes, you are doing good work. 💜 I don't really need you to say anything, just knowing you read it and appreciated it is enough.

          • ashinadash [she/her]
            6 months ago

            badeline-jokerfied Being a nerd online >>>>>>>>>> dumb school essays, lfg!

            That is a good philosopher brain evidently, bc khizuo and eggnog also said similar stuff. That's pretty cool actually, Idk how I did that honestly but thank yew trans-heart

            Four years, you're so young aubrey-happy I'm glad the effort's not totally wasted but I definitely need to reconsider my approach, I think. I'm gonna be reading something kinda funny pretty soon though so uh watch out!!!

            angry-hex I've been doin this type of thing since I got off /tttt/ though... I desire to be Not Dogshit... Thank u tho....... With luck I won't end up fighting anybody, genuine conflict is very rare on bearsite tbh.

            Cringe is cool, uncritical support to cringe :)

            Thank you meow-hug

            • 🎀 Seryph (She/Her)
              6 months ago

              Noooooo I like my school essays too..... I know it's a good philosopher brain, it's the goal of my life after all, but I'm glad you think so too.

              I honestly feel weird age-wise here. As far as being trans I feel older than most of our posters but I also know that in terms of actual age I'm on the lower end. You're older in both ways though. And I'm excited to find out what it is!

              I hope that you can avoid them in the future then, if you ever need someone to talk to when one happens you can always DM me about it.

              • Tomboymoder [she/her, pup/pup's]
                6 months ago

                I have similar feelings where I’ve known I was trans for a long time, but haven’t made much progress in my transition and then I’ll see someone somewhat younger than me whose egg cracked more recently but is fully out and feel like shit

                • 🎀 Seryph (She/Her)
                  6 months ago

                  That's not exactly what I meant, but yeah sometimes I can feel that. But be a bit kinder to yourself, you weren't completely in control of your ability to transition sooner. Whether that be because of family concerns, a lack of money, an inability to find the energy right away, etc...

                  I understand feeling that jealousy towards others, I'd be lying if I said I haven't felt it before, more recently than I'd like to admit, in fact. But it's not really healthy to fixate on it and let it fester resentment or pain for yourself. That's just going to make it harder for you to find the will to help yourself move forward in your transition in the future due to that feeling of hopelessness/unfairness that can come with it.

              • ashinadash [she/her]
                6 months ago

                Look at this DWEEB, enjoys SCHOOL ESSAYS??? badeline-yeah-right That is a sick life goal though ngl.

                I think you're older than a lot but not the majority, maybe? I was actually shocked at how many users here are both 30+ and like over a decade on hormones. Most spaces I've been in skew eggy. Again VERY COOL!!! I do enjoy chatting with the eggs and the babytrans here, feels good.

                I'll do my best, but thank you, might take you up on that because enh yknow thonk-cri

                • 🎀 Seryph (She/Her)
                  6 months ago

                  Maybe, my impression on our transition ages might be skewed based on how much I big sister people. Damn mature for my age trauma making me too empathetic towards the olds. Actual age I still think I'm on the younger end, being in my very early 20s.

                  • ashinadash [she/her]
                    6 months ago

                    Yeah that's probably the younger end, although we do have under-18s here which is wild to me. Cool, but like woah internet kids. Also though

                    Damn mature for my age trauma making me too empathetic towards the olds.

                    yea still got this in my mid 20s, does it end?

            • QueerCommie [she/her, fae/faer]
              6 months ago

              I’ve written way more for weird special interest essays than for school. That said, only my school essays are related to special interests, they’re just rushed.

        • BountifulEggnog [she/her]
          6 months ago

          I know this isn't my response yet but cheems I can't help myself I guess.

          Do people really see it that way, that they can see how it gets better and you can achieve self-fulfillment?

          Yes, I literally look at your story and think that. You, honestly, are a beacon of hope for me that I will be happy with myself one day. I should have said it before now.

          • ashinadash [she/her]
            6 months ago

            I'm a fucking INSPIRATION OR SOME SHIT swole-doge

            I'm both glad to hear and kinda flattered (again) honestly, I'm just some dork, very cheems vibes with me, can't believe anyone looks at this autistic nerd as a beacon but AYO HAPPY ABOUT IT lady-doge

            • BountifulEggnog [she/her]
              6 months ago

              can't believe anyone looks at this autistic nerd as a beacon

              You can't believe a new trans would see an elder trans, who has been through some shitty situations and is clearly happy as a beacon? Who is always spreading positivity to everyone? Who has helped them personally through cracking, and provided comfort when they were upset? brow

              You might be even sillier then I am.

              • ashinadash [she/her]
                6 months ago

                snom na I would never be silly

                It makes sense when you put it like that, but also soviet-bottom I am but a smol bean with weird taste in books and funny brain! Just a lil guy weird n kinda scary dyke creature!!!

                Thank you though, sincerely. I hope to provide more good stuff to people in the mega for many weeks more.

    • QueerCommie [she/her, fae/faer]
      6 months ago
      it’s ok

      Edit’s also relatable. Just know this feeling will probably fade. You’ve self-crit-ed and that’s all you can control. I don’t think anyone holds a grudge against you and it would be unreasonable to do so. People enjoy seeing your comments. All you can do is become more socially conscious and ready to interact better in the future. That doesn’t change that (if you’re like me) you will fluctuate between great social inhibition and disinhibition. My current perspective is that they compose a dialectical unity, and thus are inseparable. It’s not truer to want to say everything or nothing because you’re scared what people will think. If it makes you feel good to socialize (if online) do so, it’s other people’s problem if they can’t handle your improved self. If you’re still acting ignorantly, then they should inform you and you should inform yourself. We are all just works in progress, and unlike many people, you haven’t stubbornly refused to change and grow.


        • QueerCommie [she/her, fae/faer]
          6 months ago

          Nooo ooooooooooooooh Honestly, I’m at the weird point where I’ve analyzed everything dialectically and it’s left me realizing everything’s contradictory and thus I don’t know what to believe. I’ll figure it out, can’t be a nihilist forever. Skepticism denies the possibility of change and there being a primary aspect in contradictions, so I’ll leave it somehow.

    • Xx_Aru_xX
      17 days ago

      deleted by creator

      • ashinadash [she/her]
        6 months ago

        engels-wut Like Marx's beautiful boyfriend? Sorry I am way too liberal for this reference.

    • Luna [none/use any]
      6 months ago

      First of all, I love having you here, and this space would definetly be worse without you.

      I do not actually believe that anybody likes me though.

      I get this feeling a good amount, to be honest I don't trust that people have a positive perception of me, even if they may explicitly say it. It's probably some sort of autism and/or (social) anxiety kind of thing (at least for me), but I think it's definetly safe to say many (if not most) people here like you and want to hear what you have to say.

      • ashinadash [she/her]
        6 months ago

        Ok no but thank u thonk-cri

        Yeah, in ADHD land that's sort of Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria... It's just hard not to expect the rug to get pulled out eventually..

    • QueerCommie [she/her, fae/faer]
      6 months ago

      I don’t know if this helps but I’ll add I felt a bit like “no one likes me do they” posting recently too. In my case it still feels legitimate because my stuff gets less engagement and it does feel like a lot of people don’t think I’m as interesting as I do, and I’m also privileged. You, on the other hand, are always bringing positivity and we all love to get replies from you. I know that’s my biased perspective but it’s true. I feel like it’s often like this in neurodivergent relations in my experience. Everyone believes they’re a problem, but whenever they admit it others are like “it’s ok to be wrong or insecure, we love you, I’m the real problem.”

      • ashinadash [she/her]
        6 months ago

        Engagement is kind of a bad stat, because people will often read and enjoy your stuff without interacting, I'm still learning that. I try to bring positivity and good replies at least...

    • magi [null/void]M
      6 months ago

      At least it didn't take a week to come out of it this time c: cuddle

      • magi [null/void]M
        6 months ago

        The numbers will still go up regardless.. we've been breaking records for weeks

        Overall though it's an arbitrary number and competition isn't the point really..

        It's for encouraging Trans comrades to feel free to talk in a space they feel comfortable

        • QueerCommie [she/her, fae/faer]
          6 months ago

          We know this. I just want to see how big number can go. I don’t know what choice she will make, but I think I’ll leave after today.

    • sneak100
      2 months ago

      deleted by creator

    • QueerCommie [she/her, fae/faer]
      6 months ago

      Feeling sorry for yourself is a great way to boost comment number trans-heart


      Half of the shit I say is irony poisoned and I don’t know if that’s a bad thing. Idk if this kinda place is the best or worst for we who cannot shut the fuck up.

      • sneak100
        2 months ago

        deleted by creator