For this Saturday Anime Night, first up is The Adventures of Captain Wrongel (1976), a Soviet slapstick cartoon from the same crew behind the later Treasure Island (1989). An incompetent sea captain enters a race around the world with a motley crew; can he bumble his way to victory? Time to find out. This is one of the highest-rated Eastern Bloc cartoons on Letterboxd, and I finally found a good-quality, complete rip, so let’s give it a whirl. After that is Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop (2020), one of the most popular anime movies we have yet to watch. Teens meet during the summer. One is a nerd who expresses himself in haikus. They hang out at the beach a lot. Looks real nice. Sometimes, all a movie needs is to be cozy. So far, this is the only major film of director Kyohei Ishiguro.

We’ll start at 9PM EST on Hextube, right here:

Be there, comrades!


  • The Adventures of Captain Wrongel:
  • Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop: links:

  • The Adventures of Captain Wrongel:
  • Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop:

CWs for The Adventures of Captain Wrongel:

  • Nude sculpture of woman.
  • Slapstick violence.
  • Abuse of cat.
  • Smoking.
  • Alcohol.

CWs for Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop:

  • Alcohol.
  • Anxiety attack.
  • Tooth damage.
  • Death of parent.
  • Dentist scene.
  • Body dysmorphia.
  • Flashing lights.

Links to movies:

  • The Adventures of Captain Wrongel:
  • Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop: