For this Saturday Anime Night, first up is The Star of Cottonland (1984), the tale of a kitten who thinks of herself as a human and falls in love with a human man. Unfortunately for her, he sees her as just a cat. Magical shenanigans ensue. It is the only film of director Shinichi Tsuji; he is a one-hit wonder. Nice reviews for this one across the board; the term “hidden gem” appears frequently. Alright, we’ll check it out. After that is Pompo the Cinephile (2021), the best-known film thus far of director Takayuki Hirao. It tells the story of a young B-movie director striving to direct his passion project. He recruits a girl to be his star. Hilarity ensues. This one is also well-reviewed, and decently popular, too, so we’ll give it a whirl.

We’ll start at 9PM EST on Hextube, right here:

Be there, comrades!


  • The Star of Cottonland:
  • Pompo the Cinephile: links:

  • The Star of Cottonland:
  • Pompo the Cinephile:

CWs for The Star of Cottonland:

  • Smoking.
  • Cartoon violence.
  • Children in peril.

CWs for Pompo the Cinephile:

  • Objectification of female characters.
  • Gun violence.
  • Smoking.
  • Cartoon violence.

Links to movies:

  • The Star of Cottonland:
  • Pompo the Cinephile: