First up is The Way of the Dragon, Tang Lung arrives in Rome to help his cousins in the restaurant business. They are being pressured to sell their property to the syndicate, who will stop at nothing to get what they want. When Tang arrives he poses a new threat to the syndicate, and they are unable to defeat him. The syndicate boss hires the best Japanese and European martial artists to fight Tang, but he easily finishes them off. This is the movie where he kills Chuck Norris in honorable combat after defeating multiple groups of goons with nothing but his abs and chop sticks.

Next up is Enter the Dragon, Bruce Lee's final movie that was released a month after his death. In this James Bond inspired plot, Lee plays a martial arts expert determined to help capture the narcotics dealer whose gang was responsible for the death of his sister. Lee enters a face kicking competition on Epstein island in an attempt to fight his way to the dealer's headquarters with the help of some friends. This set the tone for the next couple decades of martial arts movies, inspiring a thousand imitations and considered his best.

We’ll start at 9PM EST on Hextube, right here:

Be there, comrades!

Letterboxd links

Doesthedogdie links

Enter the Dragon:

CWs for The Way of the Dragon

Chuck Norris

Two men stabbed in the back

CWs for Enter the Dragon

Man shown carrying a dead rabbit in the background

Woman commits suicide to avoid being captured

Pray Mantis shown fighting

Racist cops harass a black man

Man's corpse is displayed in a distressing manner

There is a sex trafficking ring that involves getting the girls hooked on drugs, but no women are shown being SA'd

Snake is stepped on

Jackie Chan gets his neck snapped like a twig

Links to the movies:

The Way of the Dragon:

Enter the Dragon: