For this Sunday Kino Night, we’re starting with Orson Welles’ The Trial (1962), adapted from Franz Kafka’s novel of the same name, starring Norman “Psycho” Bates himself, Anthony Perkins. It depicts a darkly-comic dystopian nightmare about a man arrested for an unspecified crime, at which point an opaque bureaucracy puts him through hell. The absurdity and surrealism ramp up from there. We have not watched any Welles yet on Hextube, surprisingly, and this has reeived rave reviews pretty much everywhere, so let’s check it out. After that is Argentinian heist film Nine Queens (2000), concerning a pair of stamp swindlers who seek to make a killing from selling counterfeits to a naïve philatelist. This is one of the highest-rated Argentinian films on Letterboxd, and is often compared to Quentin Tarantino or Guy Ritchie’s stuff: fast-paced editing, guys acting tough, swearing, violence, wall-to-wall dialogue, and so on. Latin America is a bit underexplored by us, so let’s give this a whirl.

We’ll start at 9PM EST on Hextube, right here:

Be there, comrades!


  • The Trial:
  • Nine Queens: links:

  • The Trial:
  • Nine Queens:

CWs for The Trial:

  • Gaslighting.
  • Drunkenness.
  • Cheating.
  • Natural bodies of water.
  • Implied sex. Not depicted.
  • Honking car horns.

CWs for Nine Queens:

  • A woman is asked by a man to have sex with another man.
  • Kissing.
  • Misogynistic language.
  • Groin injury.
  • Gun violence.
  • A woman slaps a man in the face.
  • Profanity.
  • Smoking.
  • Alcohol.
  • Prison scene.
  • Vomiting.

Links to movies:

  • The Trial:
  • Nine Queens: