For Tuesday slop night the visual cuisine is the season 1 finale of the Sopranos and Mlaatr episodes 3 & 4. Junior's assassination attempt on a severely depressed Tony - instigated in part by Livia - has failed and left Tony eager to get revenge on whoever orchestrated the "carjacking," whatever happened there.

In the world of Mlaatr, Jenny made friends with her neighbors and attended her first day of highschool.

9 pm est

content warnings


  • Panic attacks
  • Profanity
  • Homophobic slurs and homophobia
  • Racist slurs and racism
  • Nudity and sex
  • Violence
  • Depression
  • Suicide
  • Gun violence
  • Domestic violence
  • Abusive parents
  • Drugs and addiction
  • Alcohol, which is bad
  • Hospital scenes and medical procedures
  • Depictions of distress


  • Depictions of bugs
  • The protagonist prefers a different name to the one given to her by her mom in the first episode, however both are used throughout the show by different characters. Her given name is generally used in a more formal manner by authority figures and her preferred one more casually by her peers. She responds to both and after the first episode generally seems to not be bothered by it.
  • Jokes about weight
  • Explosions
  • Cartoon violence, primarily involving robots and alien monsters.
  • The protagonist regularly loses limbs but she is a robot
  • The protagonist practically dies or experiences a near death experience in one episode.

Unlike anime from Japan, there isn't really anything excessively grotesque nor is there a theme of :tony-disappointed2: moments.

9 pm est