So I've been talking to a nice attractive lady and we've been flirting on and off and setting up a time to get together at her place , now I'm not stupid so with a hangout like that and the way we've been flirting I knew sex or something akin was in the cards. Then she says she wants to start an onlyfans and said we should try and make a vid (and that she's never done it before) and I thought :wut: at first and then said yes and played it off. She also seems to be open to something more then a hookup cause she still talks about wanting to get to know each other more and maybe have something so you can imagine why I was a little surprised.

I'm not judgmental and not totally opposed to the idea (don't want this to be any sort of struggle sessions/debate about onlyfans and sex work please). To be honest though I'm a little worried about "performing" with this new pressure 😅. Any advice ? If I like this person and don't just want sex should I say we should wait? Anyone have a similar experience? Part of me wonders why I'm even posting this but yeah what ya'll think Hex users 🤐.

  • 2Password2Remember [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I'm stoned rn so take this w a grain of salt but I feel like starting/contributing to an only fans with someone you barely know CANNOT be a good idea

    Death to America

    • TheLegendaryCarrot23 [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Hi, stoned too my friend ,and firstly inshallah Death To America. smoking green too and sipping a 40(not reading today lol) .

      FAIR , but we've talked for so long , despite the Onlyfans thing seems like a catch, independent, attractive, freakin Columbian :hyperflush: , seems genuinely kinda innocent, i have my second guesses but chief it's a dessert out here how could I atleast not try lmao.

      • 2Password2Remember [he/him]
        1 year ago

        I'm not saying don't do it. I'm just saying get to know her a bit better. a month just feels super fast to me to take that kind of plunge

        also it's not a desert out there. if this attractive, independent Columbian woman wants you, there are also plenty of women who will want you. believe in yourself. cringe and cliche but important nonetheless

        Death to America

        • TheLegendaryCarrot23 [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Thanks boss. Look you may be right but I personally feel like a month is long enough, like I've had casual sex with people I've known much less(not bragging it's often meh). and your totally right shouldn't pretend like there isn't a sea full of fish, and I go for cis an trans too so hey that's numbers lol. I'm gonna be very casual bout this thing with this person and I do take your advice to heart.

          Inshallah Death To America.

  • RNAi [he/him]
    1 year ago

    She clearly needs the money but it's still funny that she wants to get to know you better after starting a sex-broadcasting business with you.

    Or maybe she has been doing it for a long time, but fears you'll reject it for it so she says "what if we do OF, never tried it tho, and maybe have a second date too"

    In any case, use a mask

    • TheLegendaryCarrot23 [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Yeah she mentioned that she is doing to make extra money cause her job is part time rn so def think it could be a cash strapped thing, and every other female cis or trans has an onlyfans now so eh I see the logic. I'm still nervous of course but she's older and has her own place so seems well put together , no big red flags.

      Being honest though I highly doubt I'd do this on the reg. If we do like each other as people and try to be together I'd communicate that I don't wanna do a bunch of vids . That could be a deal breaker hypothetically but I'm not gonna over think a future that might not come to pass lol. Like most guys around my age its rare for me to get dates with independent mature calm women (I'm quite introverted and she claims she is not a partier and all that.)

  • Commander_Data [she/her]
    1 year ago

    Logging on to to write a 250 word humblebrag about how big my dick is.

  • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
    1 year ago

    To be totally real, unless they've got an advertising network at their beck and call, it's pretty unlikely many people would see it or anything would come of it. But on the offhand it becomes popular you gotta be sure you're okay with it being out there. That's priority 1. You also gotta be sure that you're okay if this turns out to just be a one video thing for her to build up a portfolio. Might wanna think contract. Not sure what the kids do nowadays.

    But, if you do decide to go for it, have fun with it, don't be afraid to laugh and joke with each other. Most people either assume that all they have to do is fuck and tape it and you end up with some vid of two people laying on top of each other sweating, or some make a huge performance and the whole thing feels fake and kinda cringy. Two (or more) people actually enjoying each other is sexy. Treat it like a threesome with the camera as your third; You don't have to focus on what the audience wants entirely, but you don't want them to feel left out.

    • Shoegazer [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Treat it like a threesome with the camera as your third

      Treat it like a cuckold scene and the camera is sitting there quietly watching you fuck its girlfriend

    • TheLegendaryCarrot23 [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Wow my dude this was great advice all around!! Your definitely right probably won't be seen by many and even if it is now thinking about it I don't really mind I'm still pretty young too. And reading that second paragraph makes feel much more relaxed . Your right to put it simply I should just go with the flow not build it up even if it doesn't go totally smoothly I'd regret not taking the chance even more. (And you are definitely right when I have watched amateur porn it's always better when you can see some real mutual affection/attraction)

      I didn't have any expectations but again genuinely helped put my mind at ease. Thanks yo!

      • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
        1 year ago

        Oh, and if y'all do wanna kinda hide your faces until you're sure about it, those lacy masks are pretty hot. And there's plenty of other themes (like superheros or something) that can hide your face without people feeling like they're about to watch :ira: unless that's your thing.😉

        • TheLegendaryCarrot23 [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Haha well somebody's clearly been around the block 😆! Honestly masks can be hot though ,maybe I'll ask and see if I can be spiderman masked lol .

          • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
            1 year ago

            When I was younger I ran a bunch of small feeder sites for bigger affiliates and made a couple vids that floated around for a while. Thought about dipping my toe in the OF water, but then covid happened and I think I'm just gonna work on my tan for a bit.

            I've got a full body spiderman from aliexpress that may have featured in some of my plans.

  • Kuori [she/her]
    1 year ago

    i know you're a dude and it's not as big of a concern but i'll say it anyway: make sure someone knows where you're going and that you're going to be putting yourself into a vulnerable situation . just in case.

    • TheLegendaryCarrot23 [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Honestly it doesn't make a difference in basically any other way (hence why I didn't mention it) but its a trans women not cis which I feel like makes that sort of thing less likely (could be off base).

      But anyways you are correct, hey 0.01% chance I get murked (lol) but I'll let my bro know I'm out and roughly where , thanks for the advice (: .

      • Kuori [she/her]
        1 year ago

        it never hurts to be safe! that said, i do think you're probably right in that regard.

        however you end up handling it, i hope you enjoy yourself!

  • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    Then she says she wants to start an onlyfans and said we should try and make a vid (and that she’s never done it before)

    I'm just going to say it, this is most likely a lie.

    Also I'll say if you are going to record yourself having sex or publish nude photos, hide your face or cover it up until you are absolutely sure you're comfortable with this. And cover up any unique tatoos or birthmarks. It's one thing to think you're comfortable with stuff like this being on the internet, it's another thing for it to actually be out there. And you don't want to regret it and then have all these photos and videos on the internet with your face attached to them.

    I personally would not do it, but if you want to, that's the advice I'd give. And most importantly, have fun

    • TheLegendaryCarrot23 [he/him]
      1 year ago

      By all means I appreciate the honesty . And you know you definitely could be right. I would think it's 60% chance she lyin and 40% chance she ain't but she did a public Snapchat asking "should I start an onlyfans" which funnily enough sounds red flag typing it out but makes total sense, wants it to sell lmao(Christ lol). Either way I'm okay with a white lie like that at first as long as she tells me the truth later if we get to know each other.

      Thanks for the further advice too tho , no tattoos or like surgery marks or big birth marks but Im definitely gonna mask up. Wouldn't of if I didn't post here but that's wise . Cheers friend

      • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
        1 year ago

        Yeah just think things though first and all that, and have fun. And all the other advice I'd give is the same as I'd give for having casual sex, and sex in general. Use protection/get an STI test, enthusiastic consent from both you and your partner is always critically important. Remember that you can revoke consent at any time if you feel uncomfortable, or for whatever reason. And so can your partner, so respect that too. And enjoy it.

        Also you mentioned in another comment that this person is an older women, just make sure you're comfortable with the age gap and the dynamics from that.

        • TheLegendaryCarrot23 [he/him]
          1 year ago

          I am and thank you for being so mature and real with that advice, remembering the rules and dynamics of consent and age is so important .

          Again thanks for the advice was like a warm blanket


    • TheLegendaryCarrot23 [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Lol I'm not gonna ask her for a cut 😆 , especially cause she could do it with almost anyone she wants lol I'm not the eye candy in the vid. In the past I might have been suspicious but eh 2023 is normal an she seems sweet. I'm ah risk it I think chief lol.

  • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    How exactly did you meet her? I've had the same thing happen to me and it ended up being bullshit. If it's legit and you've met her in person at a public setting then go but be extremely cautious.

    • TheLegendaryCarrot23 [he/him]
      1 year ago

      I've been around the block more then most my age , have talked on the phone , texted for a month , exchanged pics/vids . It ain't fake , but I get the skepticism .plenty of bullshit out there. Met on Taimi .

  • StewartCopelandsDad [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I'd want to have sex first and then if it was good come back to film. New person + first time being filmed would be too much pressure for me I think. Have fun!

  • forcequit [she/her]
    1 year ago

    Have you met before like at all? This seems wildly forward planning for get-together/playdate, and my spidey sense is tingling.

    Otherwise, have safe, be fun!

    • TheLegendaryCarrot23 [he/him]
      1 year ago

      We haven't met at all in person only talked for a little over a month now , exchanging many vids and pics but no nudes or anything really sexual really.

      Okay maybe TMI but basically went like this keeping it short:

      • talked for a month very flirty, wanting to date , but not sexually explicit

      • has Snapchat vid of her bein all like "should I start an onlyfans 😉" , just a day or so ago, I ain't stupid I see the in.

      • i say "I'd watch that onlyfans" (flirty and playin stupid yeah)

      • talk this morning . I ask for something that's a vid that's hot, sends me vid, not nude but it's nice.

      • she asks for body vid ,I do it, also show D .

      -flirt more , chatting later asks if we should try and do a vid together and watch it after and see what's it like when we hang.

      Honestly gaming it out makes sense. Sorry if this is very " :cringe: " but hey I think just spelling it out helped me 😂. Chain of events makes sense lol.

      • forcequit [she/her]
        1 year ago

        I've got got before so that's why I'm on the brakes here ig

        just be safe first and foremost. You don't know who's on the other end until you meet them and get to know them. Let a friend know where you're going, give them the name of the person you're seeing, phone number/licence plate/any identifiable information they can use if you disappear yknow?

        • TheLegendaryCarrot23 [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Omg here is me thinking as an average guy I'm invincible but ya could get human trafficked 🤣(Eric Andre music plays) . I am going to let my brother know where I am and sense I m going to her place have an address . The concern is genuinely appreciated and taken to heart though.

          I'll be fine but you're right it's always good to keep those things in mind.

            • TheLegendaryCarrot23 [he/him]
              1 year ago

              Was only gonna do it if mentioned but follow up post is guaranteed good with the bad or if it's just good or (god forbid) mostly bad 😆 .

  • GorbinOutOverHere [comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    She might have just used "lol I want to set up an only fans wanna make a vid" as an overt "hey let's fuck" and she might not necessarily have to make the vid if you don't want

  • Elon_Musk [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    Do it, but also this sounds like a scam. She could perform on her own, why would she need you?

    • TheLegendaryCarrot23 [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Because when you talk to someone long enough you can tell there's a genuine attraction. Hey I'm not Bradd Pitt but I aint bad lol . It's not a scam .

      but to entertain the thought: it's 99.99% chance real or 0.01% chance I get human trafficked and have my organs taken or worse . But my friend you can't live in a prison built on that 0.01% chance .

      (Gets robbed/killed lol).

  • TheBeatles [any]
    1 year ago

    so you actually can't appear on someone else's onlyfans page unless you have your own OF page, so you'd have to sign up as a creator and go through their verification process as well.

    anyway it's weird that she would ask this if you haven't even had sex with her yet. and if she wants to start an OF why not start out with nudes or solo stuff before asking someone you barely know to star in a sex tape with you?

    also she's asking you for unpaid labor, though I seriously doubt she will make much money from this considering how poorly thought-out it seems. of course you'd be getting paid in sex, but then the question is whether you're willing to do sex work just to get laid

    maybe try and see if she wants to have sex without the cameras first, and see where it goes from there

    • TheLegendaryCarrot23 [he/him]
      1 year ago

      I can't find anything saying I need to start an account myself to be in someone else's video but I only did a cursory Google search, didn't even go through onlyfans page rules . I know that's more strict now though with the pornhub ruling with Id tho . Could you point me to that and what it entails ? Other people's vids seem to star anonymous people all the time.

      And honestly it's not that wierd , atleast maybe to me . I've hooked up with other people on lighter circumstances and knowing less about them then this person . And hey maybe she's being honest when she's says she wants to watch a tape made with someone, and of course I'm gonna take it relatively slow and steady .

      Lastly the whole "unpaid labor" thing doesn't bother me at all lol, really I'm not the catch in this one ha. And am I "willing to do sex work just to get laid?" Brother I've worked more then this to get laid hell yeah I am 😅.

      • TheBeatles [any]
        1 year ago

        okay so apparently you don't necessarily have to be a creator, but if you're not then OF might request documents verifying your ID and take down the video if you don't

        this is the text from onlyfans ToS (section 11a under "Terms of Use for Creators")

        If you upload Content to your Creator account which shows anyone else other than or in addition to you (even if that person cannot be identified from the Content) ("Co-Authored Content"), you warrant (which means you make a legally enforceable promise to us) that each individual shown in any Co-Authored Content uploaded to your account is i) a Creator on OnlyFans; or ii) a consenting adult, and that you have verified the identity and age of each such individual and will provide supporting documents as we may request in our discretion.

        • TheLegendaryCarrot23 [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Hell yeah dude glad we clarified this lol . Nothing unreasonable so good to go all in the clear :07:

  • WhatDoYouMeanPodcast [comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    for my two cents, I'd be like 'fuck it, we ball' if I wasn't opposed to the idea and I wanted to get a :volcel-police: bounty anyway. That way I see if I just couldn't fucking stand having to perform for a camera or publishing or something. If they insisted that it keep happening, that's the point I would start talking about what the relationship looks like and having contracts. I've never given much weight to the idea that you wait to :volcel-judge: to have a more serious relationship, nor have I been in a serious relationship in a while lmao. You could also be like "I want to do it without the camera first." since you professed it was going in that direction anyway.

    • TheLegendaryCarrot23 [he/him]
      1 year ago

      All solid advice . Think I'm going "beast mode yolo" on this one as the kids say lol.

      Good point too like the idea of actually performing with sex is wierd to me too. She did say we'd watch it back after and see what it's like so I'm hoping we both actually new to this 😅.

      But so right if does go longer I think I'll like draw a line and see if it's make or break, but who knows maybe it'll just be cool and I'm down to do it more(doubt that).

      And yeah atleast with for the start no camera lol. I'm still anxious but some folks here who aren't just trying to dunk eased my mind .

      Hey ya only live once (possibly , although maybe there's reincarnation who knows :P).