IMPORTANT NOTE: please use a VPN whenever visiting Hextube, or anywhere else on the internet, for that matter. Protect your privacy.

For this Sunday Kino Night, first up is Mon Oncle (1958), one of the most highly-regarded French comedies of all time, from the master himself, Jacques Tati. It follows the misadventures of Tati’s nearly-silent bumbler Mr. Huot as he attempts to navigate the modern technologica hell of his sister’s house. Hilaity ensues. This was a major influence on Mr. Bean, among other things, in Hulot’s confusion at seemingly the most ordinary everyday situations, and the various ways in which his curiosity invites disaster. Looks cool; let’s watch.

Next is The Cook, the Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover (1989), a different kind of comedy, one set in the restaurant of a brutal British gangster (played by Michael Gambon, AKA Dumbledore), where his hapless wife (Helen Mirren) has met another man and begun an affair. A whole lot of sex and violence ensues, with a large dose of black humor along the way. This is generally considered the magnum opus of director Peter Greenaway, and also his best-known work. Rave reviews everywhere for this one, so let’s give it a whirl.

We’ll start at 8PM EST on Hextube, right here:

Be there, comrades!


  • Mon Oncle:
  • The Cook, the Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover: links:

  • Mon Oncle:
  • The Cook, the Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover:

CWs for Mon Oncle:

  • Slapstick violence.
  • Anxiety.
  • French people.

CWs for The Cook, the Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover:

  • Nudity.
  • Sex.
  • Sexual harassment of women, mostly by the villain.
  • Discussion of sexual assault, committed by the villain. I’ve skimmed the movie and sexual assault does not seem to be directly depicted.
  • Misogyny. However, the misogynist is the villain.
  • Death of dog.
  • Domestic violence.
  • Child abuse.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Deaths of animals.
  • Maggots.
  • Cutting of flesh.
  • Someone struggles to breathe.
  • Cannibalism.
  • Torture.
  • Unconsciousness.
  • Genital trauma.
  • A man is forced to consume dog feces.
  • Sexualization of minors, though the actors in question are in their twenties.
  • Cheating.
  • Shower scene.
  • Vomiting.
  • Spitting.
  • Hospital scene.
  • Antisemitism.
  • Blood and gore.
  • Gun violence.

Links to movies:

  • Mon Oncle:
  • The Cook, the Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover: