Thank you @SeventyTwoTrillion for all your effort. :sankara-salute:

Old Map for reference

If you have any useful resource links please tag me in a comment with the link:

Examples of racism/euro-centrism during the Russia-Ukraine conflict

Add to this if you can, thank you.



Leftist discussion threads: :kitty-cri-texas:

Twitter military updaters: :kitty-cri:

obvious disclaimers about taking all of them with tonnes of salt etc

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  • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]M
    2 years ago

    I am taking the constructive criticism to source as much as possible. Unfortunately, a lot of what I get comes from Russian telegram and such (so if you tried to show it your lib friends and relatives then it wouldn't go too well) but I thought I'd hold myself Accountable™. This will make these take longer, though.

    RTG: Russian telegram.
    RCM: Russian/Chinese media.
    MSM: Mainstream media (obviously). Well, it doesn't have to be literally mainstream, just "any media that isn't Russian or Chinese".
    SCM: Socialist/communist media.
    TWA: Twitter accounts.


    The Russian Ruble and Gas:

    • RTG: The President of the Federal Union of German Industry, Russwurm, says that abandoning Russian gas would mean the collapse of German industry.
    • RTG: The head of Rosatom, Russia's state corporation that specializes in nuclear power, says that it sees no issues with a transition to settlements in rubles under international contracts.
    • MSM: Russia's profits from energy exports may grow up a third this year, earning a projected total of $321 billion.
    • MSM: EU’s Economic Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni: "The European Union is working on further sanctions on Russia but any additional measures will not affect the energy sector." He also said that the war in Ukraine would cause a growth slowdown but not a recession in Europe.
    • RCM: RT explains the significance of putting the ruble on a gold standard.
    • RCM: The UK won't get any Russian gas, as they sanctioned Gazprombank.


    • MSM: "China is not a party to the Ukrainian crisis. And we do not think that this should affect our normal trade with any other country. Even Europe does normal business with Russia, you haven't stopped all your trade with Russia. Thus, our normal trade cooperation with Russia should not be affected." - Wang Lutong, head of the European Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic.
    • MSM: Russian Oil Is Too Cheap To Resist For China And India
    • MSM: Thousands of Russia-linked shipping containers are causing a 'nightmare' situation in the Port of Rotterdam. This article comes a month after shipping rates were reported to have tripled for oil tankers.
    • SCM: Overflowing Inventories and the Supply Chain Crisis; an article by Counterpunch on, you guessed it, the supply chain crisis.
    • MSM: Apparently (I can't read German) Thanks to @UmbraVivi: Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten is reporting that the salaries of German authorities is going up by about 300 euros per month. This is while the German people are told that very difficult times are ahead.
    • MSM: Greek railway workers refuse to transport NATO equipment despite pressure from management. The trade unions intervened and threats from management ceased.
    • RCM: Polish Prime Minister admits that the sanctions have not had the expected effect, as he observes the ruble exchange rate.
    • TWA: EU inflation hitting new heights.
    • MSM: Ukraine's economy could shrink 40% in 2022.
    • RCM: The EU allows Ukrainian refugees to convert hryvnas to euros for free, though only up to 300 euros per person.
    • MSM: Nearly 1 in 3 food companies in Belgium forced to reduce or shutdown production.
    • MSM: Sri Lanka is facing over 10 hour long power cuts, unable to keep its oil-powered turbines going because of a fuel shortage and a lack of foreign currency to pay for oil imports. This has sparked protests, with motorists blocking major roads.
    • RTG: Microsoft executives have confirmed that the company is not going to completely stop working in Russia.
    • RCM: Dating site Badoo stops working in Russia and Belarus.


    • RTG: Russia and Belarus reformat their sports tournaments so that they can hold their own competitions and invite foreign athletes to them.
    • RTG: Medvedev recalls Chernomyrdin's forecast of when Ukraine would join the EU - "right after Turkey". "And when is Turkey joining?" he was asked, to which he replied "Never."
    • RTG: Peskov: "Putin and Lukashenko have a unique relationship"; Belarus and Russia celebrate Unity Day today.
    • RTG: Putin and Tokayev, the Kazakhstan President, spoke by phone about the progress of the invasion.
    • RTG: Russia opens a case of a terrorist attack after the air strike on Belgorod's oil depot.
    • RTG: Moldova will remain neutral and will not join sanctions against Russia.
    • MSM: A plan for Pope Francis to travel to the Ukrainian capital “is on the table,” he said while on a flight taking him from Rome to Malta.
    • MSM: Russia’s space director said that the restoration of normal ties between partners at the International Space Station (ISS) and other joint space projects would be possible only with the “full and unconditional removal” of Western sanctions against Moscow.
    • RCM: Chinese leaders have brushed back against pressure from the EU to take an anti-Russia stance in the Ukraine conflict, insisting that cooperation between Beijing and Brussels is needed to prevent long-term damage to the global economy.
    • RTG: Chief of the General Staff of the German Army notes that from Kalinigrad, Russian Iskanders can hit all targets in western Europe.


    Ukraine in general:

    • RTG: Russia reports hitting 24 drones, 2 helicopters, and 67 military facilities overnight.
    • RTG: An ex-fighter of the Aidar battalion said that Ukrainians fired shells at monasteries to blame Russia.

    Central Ukraine:

    • MSM : Russia destroys the Kremenchuk refinery in central Ukraine.
    • RTG: 37 rockets were launched towards Dnipro, and hit strategically important objects.
    • RTG: An airfield and air defense facility were possibly damaged on the outskirts of Poltava.
    • RTG: 2 missile cities in the city of Pavlohrad near Dnipro.

    Eastern Ukraine:

    • RTG: More explosions in Kharkiv.
    • RTG: 170 Ukrainian soldiers surrender in the LPR.
    • RTG: Photos of Russians crossing the Seversky Donets river, near Izyum.
    • RTG: DPR reports capturing a total of 136 settlements so far.
    • RTG: Two explosions near Lozovaya, a city in the Kharkiv region, and a large supply hub which was an important supply line for the Ukrainian forces in Donbass.

    Southern Ukraine:

    • RTG: Explosions from volleys of MLRS near Kryvih Rih.
    • RTG: Kadyrov says that the storming of the Mariupol Azovstal plant has begun.

    Northern Ukraine:

    • RTG: The governor of Sumy reports a large number of Russian soldiers entering the region.

    Dipshittery and Cope:

    • MSM : Danish European Commissioner Margret Vestager teaches Europeans to wash less to annoy Putin. "Every time you turn off the water, you can say, "Get it, Putin!"
    • RTG : The Azov flag appeared in the online store Kaufland, which advises you to "hang a flag on the wall to show your pride". It has since been removed.
    • RCM: American actor Sean Penn has called on a wealthy philanthropist to come forward with $500 million to procure at least two squadrons of fighter planes. “One billionaire could end this war in Ukraine ... 2 squadrons of F-15s or F-16s,” which he claimed feature “better tech than Russian Migs [sic] or SU’s,” would cost only about $300 million. He also called for “another $200m in missile defense,” and further suggested that with three weeks of training plus “add-ons in arming & maintaining creative runways, etc.,” Ukraine’s pilots would be ready to kick Russia out of its skies.
    • CyborgMarx [any, any]
      2 years ago

      “China is not a party to the Ukrainian crisis. And we do not think that this should affect our normal trade with any other country. Even Europe does normal business with Russia, you haven’t stopped all your trade with Russia. Thus, our normal trade cooperation with Russia should not be affected.” - Wang Lutong, head of the European Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic.

      :che-smile: :xi-lib-tears: :xicko:

    • UmbraVivi [he/him, she/her]
      2 years ago

      MSM: Apparently (I can’t read German), Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten is reporting that the salaries of German authorities is going up by about 300 euros per month. This is while the German people are told that very difficult times are ahead.

      I can read German, I found the article and yeah, pretty much exactly what you said. Our chief neoliberal Christian Lindner (whose salary is going up by 275€ as well) literally recently said "We're all going to get poorer."

    • JamesGoblin [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Danish European Commissioner Margret Vestager teaches Europeans to wash less to annoy Putin. "Every time you turn off the water, you can say, “Get it, Putin!”

      Politicians already wash hands of future recessions and shortages. Hey, nobody said it'll be fun! :gui-better:

      • SoyViking [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Back when she was active in Danish politics, and arguably had more power than the succdem prime minister, Vestager was known as a neoliberal ghoul who among other things insisted on slashing unemployment benefits during a recession. That was more important for her to ram through than any of the liberal antiracist virtue signalling her party is known for. She's complete trash.