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  • lascaux [he/him]
    2 years ago

    where has the common idea among liberals that the war is a "genocide" or even worse, a "holocaust" come from? it really pisses me off, like i am not walking around with a Z on my car or anything but it's fucking offensive to compare this to the worst crime in history. decades of atrocity propaganda against china, the soviet union, and russia makes libs think that nothing can be bad without being the worst thing that's ever happened.

    • RION [she/her]
      2 years ago

      Those comparisons are essentially a form of soft holocaust denial. By elevating the tragic ramifications of the war (which cannot be ignored, although their scale & intentionalities are disputable) they're simultaneously trivializing the Holocaust and other past genocides. It's ridiculous and speaks to what liberals view the Holocaust as—a bygone tragedy devoid of any tie to any ideology, simply an act of nondescript evil to use as a cudgel against their geopolitical enemies who, by virtue of their opposition to the West, are evil as a default.

      • lascaux [he/him]
        2 years ago

        i also think that knowledge of what the holocaust truly entailed has been eroded a lot over the last few decades in the west, with most of the survivors and liberators having died and education on that front being terrible in lots of places. books like the boy in the striped pajamas (which i have never read but have always heard to be terrible) are the main source of knowledge about it for a shocking number of students. you are right, to many it is viewed as a simple one-off tragedy like 9/11 rather than a process that took decades to build up to and was built on centuries of anti-semitism, colonial violence and race science.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        2 years ago

        I just want to say that this is beautifully worded. I may steal some of it in future.

        Nothing of value to add.

        • RION [she/her]
          2 years ago

          A compliment is always valuable! Thanks and feel free to steal

    • SoyViking [he/him]
      2 years ago

      It's the same mechanism as when Qanon types thinks that democrats are all pedophiles. When you think democrats are the most evil people there is it makes sense that they would also do pedophilia, the most evil thing you can think of.

      Russia is the most evil country ever and therefore they must be doing the most evil thing a country can do, ie. genocide.

      • lascaux [he/him]
        2 years ago

        yeah, and once you get that first gear spinning people can get the next ones going all on their own. i've seen it with china a lot too, people read headlines about the uighur genocide and decide that china is exterminating uighurs - even though not even :zenz: makes that claim (and when you try to point this out you get shouted down). i've even seen people suggest that china is doing a genocide in hong kong lol.

    • bbnh69420 [she/her, they/them]
      2 years ago

      Propaganda! I just made another post annoyed about this, but all it took was a couple Russian war crimes to spin the entire enterprise as an exterminationist adventure

      • lascaux [he/him]
        2 years ago

        yep. i think it's also a way (both consciously and unconsciously) to launder american war crimes. sure, we have spent two decades blowing up hospitals and wedding parties in the middle east, but at least we aren't doing GENOCIDE like putler!

        • bbnh69420 [she/her, they/them]
          2 years ago

          100%. Literally identical circumstances, the bombing of a hospital, are used as proof of barbarity when pointed at Putin, but completely overlooked when the hegemon is doing it

          • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]M
            2 years ago

            Here is a direct comparison between two different news articles depicting similar attacks that the US and Russia did. Note the differences in language.

            US bombs Doctors Without Borders in Kunduz, killing 42 people:

            CNN: Civilians 'accidentally struck' in Afghan hospital bombing, U.S. commander says

            An airstrike was then called to eliminate the Taliban threat, and several innocent civilians were accidentally struck

            "There is no country in the world and no military in the world that goes to greater lengths and places a higher premium on avoiding civilian casualties than the United States Department of Defense,"

            CNN: Pentagon: U.S. bombing of Afghanistan hospital not a 'war crime'

            The Pentagon announced Friday that 16 military personnel will be disciplined for the deadly U.S. strike on a hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, in October, but maintained that it was not a war crime because it resulted from unintentional human error and equipment failure.

            He also said that the aircrew were "unaware" that they were firing on a hospital.

            "This was an extreme situation we were dealing with,"

            The Pentagon concluded last year that Doctors Without Borders had followed all proper procedures in notifying the U.S. of the location of the hospital. The group "did everything right," a U.S. official said in October.

            Russia strikes a hospital in Mariupol, killing 5(?) people:

            CNN: Anatomy of the Mariupol hospital attack

            Medical facilities and workers have been repeatedly hit by Russian forces since their invasion of Ukraine, despite this being against the rules of war.

            “Every single attack deprives people of life-saving services.”

            Footage circulating on social media showed pregnant women being escorted out of a bombed-out building amid charred cars, broken tree branches and debris.

            Russian officials claimed the hospital was a justifiable military target, based on their unproven assertion that Ukrainian military targets were on site and that all patients and medical staff had left.

            As these stories of suffering emerged, Russian officials threw doubt on their validity in news programs and online.

            US Vice President Kamala Harris described the attack as “unprovoked” and “unjustified.”

            CTV: Airstrike hits Ukraine maternity hospital, 17 reported hurt

            A Russian airstrike devastated a maternity hospital Wednesday in the besieged port city of Mariupol amid growing warnings from the West that Moscow’s invasion is about to take a more brutal and indiscriminate turn.

            “Today Russia committed a huge crime,” said Volodymir Nikulin, a top regional police official, standing in the ruins. “It is a war crime without any justification.”

            “A children’s hospital. A maternity hospital. How did they threaten the Russian Federation?” Zelensky asked in his nightly video address, switching to Russian to express his horror at the airstrike. “What kind of country is this, the Russian Federation, which is afraid of hospitals, afraid of maternity hospitals, and destroys them?”

            U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken condemned Russia's “unconscionable attacks”

      • SupFBI [comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        Everything our "enemies" (competitors) do is a crime. Demanding swift and painful action by the virtuous West.

        Everything we do is good. Mistakes are sometimes made but we mean well. Except for when the crimes are against the enemy du jour. They deserved it.

      • BigLadKarlLiebknecht [he/him, comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        My dad who is normally fairly good with understanding current events described the war as “horrific - smashing the country to bits for the hell of it, it’s like nothing we’ve ever seen before”. It’s amazing how effective the media has been at erasing any geopolitical explanation for the war and ensuring that people only hear “evil Russia doing a bloodsport adventurism”. Especially as my dad has in the past vilified the press for their bias against Corbyn, etc., and how pro-Tory they are.

        My parents didn’t like me pointing out that Iraq was far worse, naturally.

        • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]M
          2 years ago

          “horrific - smashing the country to bits for the hell of it, it’s like nothing we’ve ever seen before”.

 you say, Iraq, but also Vietnam and Korea, and probably others I'm forgetting. Imperial Japan I guess but that's a little more iffy due to the whole WW2 zeitgeist, unless you're talking about the nuclear bombs being dropped on them, which was unjustifiable

          • BigLadKarlLiebknecht [he/him, comrade/them]
            2 years ago

            Libya, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Panama….the list goes on and on. The reaction to bringing such things up is one of “two wrongs don’t make a right”, which is my exact point - but somehow it’s interpreted as a pro-Putin view! Any attempt to contextualize the imperial actions of Russia against the recent past of Western imperialism is only seen as defence of Russia. This is perhaps the most maddening effect of the media coverage - that it is not morally permissible to seek understanding beyond “Russian mad man gone wild”. That one can’t discuss these things materially, in relation to (and as a cause of) Western imperial bloodlust.

      • bbnh69420 [she/her, they/them]
        2 years ago

        Not commenting on whether or not the russian atrocities are real or not, but it's irrelevant for the purposes of spin and media. All they need is a couple accusations to close the loop on the Hitler-Putin analogy

      • Commiejones [comrade/them, he/him]
        2 years ago

        This is the worst part of discussions with 99% of people. You cant even correct incorrectly used terms so that someone who shares your same view can better articulate a viewpoint you share. Words like "Fascism" "authoritarianism" and "Kleptocracy" all have distinct meanings. They may overlap and sometimes more than one may be applicable but that does not mean they are interchangeable at a whim or that where one is another must be.

    • JamesGoblin [he/him]
      2 years ago

      If western regimes stop hysterically pointing at distractions - we might start sharpening guillotines, so...

    • CheGueBeara [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Genocide is one of the few things where libs feel 100% right in supporting anything being done about it. They obviously ignore many genocides, but they will use the media/state department-spun line to evoke "never again" and have their consent manufactured for dehumanizing and destroying the enemy.

      You can trace the claim of genocide in Xinjiang to Mike Pompeo who was citing an extremely CIA think tank. You can trace the claim of genocide in Ukraine to Biden himself (the rest of the admin walked it back, same as they do for every senile moment that embarrasses them). While I guess it's possible he was saying that due entirely to being confused, I would personally guess that he's been talking to people who floated that narrative.

      In short, these appear to be deliberate propaganda efforts to get libs on board with loathing America's designated enemies and dehumanizing their people. This is in preparation for doing very bad things under the pretext that it hurts those enemies and people.