• Rom [he/him]
    7 months ago

    punish the entire world

    The absolute fucking nerve of these freaks accusing anyone else of causing harm as their guy, for whom they are trying to shame us into voting, actively funds a genocide.

    • Awoo [she/her]
      7 months ago

      Not just funding, delivers bombs for it too. The bombs falling are literally biden's bombs.

      • SoyViking [he/him]
        7 months ago

        Imagine someone putting a piece of paper on your desk, imagine knowing that signing it means that fascists will be handed around that will be used to commit a genocide, killing thousands of innocents. And then imagine signing the paper instead of tearing it up in revulsion, like a sane human being would do. You have to be a literal demon to do something like that.

        Genocide Joe doesn't belong in the Hague, he belongs in a free Palestine in front of a war crimes and genocide tribunal there. If there were justice in this world he would be hanged.

    • Æsc@lemmy.sdf.org
      7 months ago

      You don’t think a 2nd Trump administration would fund a genocide? Why? What about Trump says to you, “Oh yeah, this guy would definitely put a stop to the mass-murder of brown people”?

      • Rom [he/him]
        7 months ago

        I think if you tell me "the other guy would fund a genocide" while your guy is funding a genocide, I'm gonna tell you to shut the fuck up.

        Shut the fuck up.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        7 months ago

        Oh god oh no Trump might also continue genocide? Wow that would be.... Exactly the same... How terrible!

        “Oh yeah, this guy would definitely put a stop to the mass-murder of brown people”?

        Nobody is saying they think he'll stop it dickhead. Literally nobody in this thread has said that. But "Trump will be genocidal too" is not the defence of your guy that you seem to think it is.

          • Spike [none/use name]
            7 months ago

            You really that stupid that you can't fathom that people would want neither to win?

            • Æsc@lemmy.sdf.org
              7 months ago

              I can fathom that’s what they want, but you can’t always get what you want, especially if what you want is neither a Democrat or Republican to win a state-wide election in the United States. Wanting something does not change the reality of the situation.

                • Æsc@lemmy.sdf.org
                  7 months ago

                  Where did I shame anyone? I've been trying to be polite, I haven't thrown an insult once. I've extended more civility than has been granted to me. Though half of it seems to be residual anger at Reddit.

                  • CyborgMarx [any, any]
                    7 months ago

                    You're asking people to vote for a genocidal warmonger, lmao that's the insult genius, and it's beyond a breach of basic civility

                    • Æsc@lemmy.sdf.org
                      7 months ago

                      Oh. “Chapo Trap House is aligned with the dirtbag left, a style of contentious left-wing political discourse that eschews civility in favor of casual, blunt, often vulgar expression.”

                      Guess I gotta get used to looking all this shit up while browsing. No more browsing Lemmy on my phone. No wonder Egon thought I was doing a bit.

                      • CloutAtlas [he/him]
                        7 months ago

                        Civility was invented by The West Wing tv series. Abe Lincoln used to bully his opponents to tears in debates.

                  • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
                    7 months ago

                    If you asked any of us to vote for genocide in person you would likely end up with spit on your face and maybe a fight on your hands. Don't ask people to vote for mass murder if you want people to like you.

              • Kuori [she/her]
                7 months ago

                Wanting something does not change the reality of the situation.

                very true! another good example of that: you want us to support genocide joe but the reality of the situation is we never will.

              • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
                7 months ago

                How about standing up to your corrupt government instead of meekly taking part in the farce it has set up to control you?

                Are you that cowardly that revolution isn't even an option to you?

          • Wakmrow [he/him]
            7 months ago

            What about Biden winning is preferable? Same policies, at least trump is funny. Trump will probably radicalize more liberals too.

      • the_post_of_tom_joad [any, any]
        7 months ago

        Ever wonder if youll be able to vote for a guy you aren't positive will fund a genocide?

        Ever get tired of advocating for something so very disrurbing? It must be ennervating, right? You thought Trump would be gone after the last time.

        Ever ask yourself why you ask for so little?

        Is it the pragmatic choice to make yourself so small?

          • robinn_IV
            7 months ago

            But when the choice is a straight fascist who's talking like he's going to put my queer friends in the fucking ground vs same old America, I'll take same old America a little bit longer so the people I care about don't fucking die in 2 years.

            Biden is putting Palestinians in the fucking ground, but they’re not your friends, nor people you care about (our only two options will probably both do this, but we must work with these choices God gave us and ignore this). He put migrants in concentration camps, continued the sanctions regime for the starvation of the citizens of enemy nations, and wrought imperialism across the globe. But this is the “same old America” and Biden is only a “straight fascist” when he comes for the precious Americans at home. Well he did that with the crushing of the rail workers strike and the continuation of the same old poverty and racist systems. Is coming for your queer friends the one thing that makes someone a “straight fascist”? Biden could have used federal authority to work towards the suppression of anti-trans laws in backward states, but he didn’t.

            Meanwhile organize, effect change, praxis. All that good jazz.

            I love empty words, but tell me, what does this mean when you passively play the electoral game? What is this “effective change” and “praxis” (“all that good jazz”)?

            Sucks that it's our choice here, but I don't think y'all are considering what a trump round 2 would look like. And we are playing with fire.

            I was told that a second Trump term would see the U.S. pulling out of NATO (objectively good) and a national abortion ban (the Democrats already allowed Roe v. Wade to be repealed, and the defense among them has been that Biden does not have the power to do anything about this, as, woe, he was born into the wrong branch; given Trump would be the president as well, surely he would not have the power to institute such a ban) along with a bunch of unsubstantiated uncreative Hitler 3.0 stuff like “Trump Youth.”

            • SmilingSolaris@lemmygrad.ml
              7 months ago

              Biden is putting palastinians in the fucking ground and that is a complaint, but voting or not voting in this election doesn't change that. That's not on the table. US is going to commit genocide no matter the winner and it fucking sucks. But what do you want me to do? You want me as a cis straight white man to tell my queer friends that I'm willing to sacrifice their life and safety to make a point? For what? To what end? What's your preferred outcome here?

              At the end of the day, I'm not an accelerationist. I have a preferred outcome here, and no amount of wishing for a 3rd choice will change anything. Not choosing ain't gonna stop the choice from being made. And I'll take the, however small, less worse choice than the other.

              Voting as well has no effect on your effect you can do in your community. It doesn't effect the orgs your in or whatever activism your up to. The best case scenario is you own the libs and while they scratch their head wondering for the billionth time why we won't vote for them and change nothing, more people suffer than would have otherwise.

              I am not willing to sacrifice people, especially knowing the groups targeted will not be me.

              • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
                7 months ago

                The dems have pulled this "You'd better vote for us because the other guy will literally kill you if they win!" thing since the 60s, they've just shifted around the minority group they target with their threats. Please listen to this 8 minute speech by Malcolm X, it's incredibly relevant here.


              • Nakoichi [they/them]M
                7 months ago

                And what the fuck has Biden done about any of your concerns? You think he gives a fuck about LGBTQ people?

              • robinn_IV
                7 months ago

                Biden is putting palastinians in the fucking ground and that is a complaint, but voting or not voting in this election doesn't change that.


                Don't you see that's the point? You're accepting the framework of the two party system. God gave us two options and it would be sacrilege to deny him! You're allowing the "harm reduction party" to do harm unchecked, where opposing them in any meaningful way is impossible because it leaves the door open for the other party. You're guaranteeing them unlimited stability so that you can feel good about yourself for "reducing harm" forever. It doesn't matter if you hate the genocide against Palestinians or imperialism if in the end you have the same total political impact as a geriatric suburbanite pig who loves Amerikkka and the Democrats to the core. Again, what is this nebulous "praxis" you referenced?

                If your queer friends care more about the potential "harm reduction" done by staying within the lines and allowing the 2.5th Reich to carry on its crimes unchecked than actually promoting independent political organization by driving votes away from the two "options" while there is mass discontent and the potential for a better future either through abstention or voting/campaigning for PSL, the Green Party, etc., then they're not worth it.

                • SmilingSolaris@lemmygrad.ml
                  7 months ago

                  I'm allowing the harm reduction party to do harm unchecked, and you are wanting people to suffer so they'll see the error of their liberal ways. What you are advocating for is turning that gun around and firing it until the point is made. I am not okay with sacrificing people to stand on pride. If even one less person would die voting for Biden over trump, that's my choice in this exact moment in time. I am not willing to sacrifice untolds number of people on the gamble that maybe the libs will get it this time.

                  • ElChapoDeChapo [he/him, comrade/them]
                    7 months ago

                    I am not okay with sacrificing people to stand on pride

                    You can tell yourself that all you like but we can all see that plainly isn't true

                    • SmilingSolaris@lemmygrad.ml
                      7 months ago

                      Yeah dude. And not voting is doing a world of difference. Basically won the revolution already.

                      Your insulting me for saying i cannot stand on my pride and tell others to sacrifice when I know I will not be the one to suffer. I don't have a choice in the genocide. Voting Biden, voting trump, voting none ultimately changes nothing because we both are small cogs in the machine. We are still comrades, even if you would rather insult me over it.

                      • Egon
                        1 month ago

                        deleted by creator

                        • SmilingSolaris@lemmygrad.ml
                          7 months ago

                          I get your anger. I do not want to argue about it anymore. I got too emotional about this and need to log off and cool it. But I understand your anger and I share it. Im sorry if I implied some kinda moral superiority (bit more than imply) for my reasoning for voting. Ultimately voting does nothing and we both know it. I just cannot get past the reasoning I stated to not vote, but it is my own problem and I shouldn't of put that on anyone else.

                          We are still comrades, thank you for trying to convince me, I appreciate your view.

                          • Egon
                            1 month ago

                            deleted by creator

                              • Egon
                                1 month ago

                                deleted by creator

                                • SmilingSolaris@lemmygrad.ml
                                  7 months ago

                                  Apologies for not seeing the pronouns. I'm not used to checking them yet. Not used to being somewhere they are so easily presented. Definitely something to work on.

                                  My problem at this point is that I see this as a small issue and you are presenting it as one worthy of actual fascisism. I find your position extremely accusational and unreasonable.

                                  You say I support fascism. I give my personal stance on why I feel I cannot abstain from voting due to the reasons I laid out and you insult me like Im wearing an SS uniform. I cannot in any fucking way see that as anything other but unreasonable anger with no actual belief behind it because that's fucking insane.

                                  Do you really believe that? Are you genuinely really actually telling me that it's so important that I don't vote, that if you knew me and we were friends you would be taking a baseball bat to me over it? You would boot me from your org and kick my ass on the way out?

                                  If so, I don't fucking understand. Spent all this time talking about how voting is pointless , both candidates are the same, voting changes nothing and turn around and say but if you put a name down in the hopes maybe less people would get hurt that you are a card carrying Nazi scumbag.

                                  Your right, I don't understand you. I don't understand why you continue threatening and talking about physical violence you wish you could enact on me. I do not consider it a way to encourage me to see your point. I ain't a fucking Nazi. I ain't a fucking fascist. You fucking know I ain't and trying to gaslight me into thinking I am some kinda monster is just fucking mean. It's manipulative. It's disrespectful. It's angry bad vibe bullshit for what. You convince me not to do the thing that doesn't matter? Cool. Glad I lost sleep over this.

                                  Maybe instead of acting aggressively in the hopes my fear of not fitting in, you talk to me like a god damn human being. Now I'm all emotional, insomniac, and just generally pissed off and it's gonna continue. Mental state ruined. Even saying all this is just more fuel to your fire.

                                  Whatever. If that's your bar, that's your bar. If you don't want to be nice, I am not dependent on you being so. After all that I'm still going to call you comrade, because I ain't gonna let some petty bullshit discussion make me forget my solidarity.

                                  • Egon
                                    1 month ago

                                    deleted by creator

                                    • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
                                      7 months ago

                                      Holy shit, it's worse than I thought. I didn't think they would give a half-hearted corporate apology followed by several paragraphs of how sad 😩 you made them you meanie! How dare you upset them, the Main Character of the internet?

                                      You'd think they'd consider why you keep saying that they're saying things that a fascist would say, and why you'd aggressively kick them out of any org you are a part of, but nope. You're just being mean.

                                      They just don't seem to get that we aren't just being "mean people on the internet" but are being harsh and rude because we do not think their behaviour is in any way acceptable. This person wants to be friends, but doesn't seem to understand that if your friends tell you to stop being such a shitty person before you get bashed or killed, you should take that as a wake-up call and stop being so shitty.

                                      • Egon
                                        1 month ago

                                        deleted by creator

                                        • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
                                          7 months ago

                                          Yeah, shitlibs gonna shitlib I guess. I was hoping there'd be something a little more interesting here.

                                          I don't think they understand that actual genuine anger at their words is pretty rare, and out of frustration for wanting them to actually improve, usually we just dunk on people who say dumb shit (like that guy with the reddit avatar). So fucking narcissistic, thinking that we need to "play nice" and stop being mean just because they said so. Kind of wish I was playing lib bingo tonight, would've probably gotten one.

                                          Their final signoff was a lib classic though. "You could've changed my mind if you had just coddled me and let me keep my toxic ideas intact, instead I'm going to refuse to self reflect because of how mean you were to me!"

                                          • Egon
                                            1 month ago

                                            deleted by creator

                                            • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
                                              7 months ago

                                              Yeah, being harsh like this sucks for them, it's not nice to try and be friendly and have people get mad at the things you say, it hurts, but it isn't done out of genuine hatred, just anger at what they are saying, and hope that they improve in the future. I do think this whole conversation will spark a big change in their behaviour going forward, hopefully a positive one, or at least helps them on the way to one. They seemed more close to proper self-crit than most libs I've seen, so I hope they reflect on this. Probably good that it's stopping now, if I had kept going, it wouldn't be out of a desire to see them improve, but it would just be bullying them. I should probably self-crit a bit myself and work on improving my self control.

                                              Good night!

                                              • Nakoichi [they/them]M
                                                7 months ago

                                                bullying them.

                                                Sometimes bullying is all that works. That is sort of why hexbear got its reputation.

                                                • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
                                                  7 months ago

                                                  I meant more that it would no longer be bullying them to change their ways, but just mocking them to be a smug douchebag, being cruel for cruelty's sake. That's never a good place to be in.

                                                • Moonworm [any]
                                                  7 months ago

                                                  Maybe there's a little daylight between "bullying" by being firm and telling people they should be killed - and then acting incredulous that they thought you meant it.

                                  • ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml
                                    7 months ago

                                    Spent all this time talking about how voting is pointless , both candidates are the same, voting changes nothing

                                    You stated above that you would still vote blue for the sake of your LGBTQ+ friends.

                                    Does voting affect the well being of these peoples or does it change nothing? Make up your mind. It's either 1 or the other, you can't have it both ways.

                  • LENINSGHOSTFACEKILLA [he/him]M
                    7 months ago

                    I'm allowing the harm reduction party to do harm unchecked

                    The only accurate statement you've made.

                  • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
                    7 months ago

                    They aren't the "harm reduction" party though. They are the "A lot of harm" party, and they are trying to scare you by saying that the other party, the "Potentially even more harm" party is worse.

                    Would you rather be shot in the arm or the leg? Which one? Obviously you'd rather neither one, but you MUST choose one. You must! And you must choose again in 4 years, where it will be your spine or your lung to choose from, but you MUST choose then as well.

                    I'm sorry, but participating in this system in the hopes that it "buys more time" for the libs to "wake up" is incredibly stupid. That's like participating in bashing someone up in the hopes that the other people bashing them will one day learn their lesson, while you're actively there, participating in the same actions as them. Don't you think that will just encourage them instead of waking them up?

                    If you want things to change, you start by making it clear that things need to change, instead of grumbling and accepting the status quo. Educating people on demanding more out of the system, (and hopefully much further than that) will do far, far more than just simply going along with the system and accepting the idea that being forced to pick between two actively genocidal parties is in any way acceptable. People vote because they, like yourself, seem to think that there is "no other option." Things will never change if this is how we operate. The way things change is by teaching people that there are alternatives, and they can actually demand things of their government, instead of grovelling and begging, but always falling in line.

                    Here's that Malcolm X clip again, since you must've missed it the last time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gg3dr-o4_fc

                    • SmilingSolaris@lemmygrad.ml
                      7 months ago

                      I watched the video. I watched it again here. The problem for me is that Malcom X is talking about black folk. He is talking about their block and advocating for essentially self sacrifice at the hands of his "worse option" to make a point. I am not black. Nor am I queer. Nor am I a woman. I am not a target. It is not my sacrifice to give. It is not within my right I believe to tell someone who will suffer that it's necessary to make a point when I know for a fact that I will not suffer. I know for a fact that I wouldn't be a target. I cannot make that decision in good conscious because I am not the one who will pay that price.

                      • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
                        7 months ago


                        • SmilingSolaris@lemmygrad.ml
                          7 months ago

                          And your a hero for not voting? Neither of us are. We ultimately will not change anything and this argument will do nothing but effect me and you. I have my reasons, I have explained them. I am sorry if I said explicitly and implied that it was a more moral choice to vote than to not. I let myself get emotional and said things I do not really believe. I cannot in my own mind be okay with not voting for the reasons I stated. This is not a judgement. It was, now it is not.

                          At the end of the day we are comrades. We have the same goal. I'm sorry we both got angry over something so pointless.

                          • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
                            7 months ago

                            You are not a comrade. You are the Dixiecrat Malcolm X was talking about. I see the knife in your hands, you won't stabbing my back.

                            Don't pull this "we both said some mean things, so let's both say we're sorry and make up" bullshit. I said some mean things, you were advocating for voting for a genocidal war criminal on the grounds that another genocidal war criminal might win if they don't.

                            Would you have voted for Himmler over Hitler? Picked the "harm reduction" nazi? Would you have been insisting that "sure the system is broken, but we must vote, if voting for the harm reduction nazi would save even one life, then it is a moral duty to participate in their sham elections and give them the legitimacy they need to stay in power!"

                            • SmilingSolaris@lemmygrad.ml
                              7 months ago

                              Look, I'm done arguing about it. I made my point, you made yours, we both agree it's pointless. Neither of us came in with the possibility of being convinced, and that isn't going to change with more arguing.

                              I will in fact pull the "we both said mean things, say sorry and make up"

                              You don't have to say anything. You can keep being angry, I have already gotten you there and I apologize for that. Doing this now I'm sure will just make you even more mad. But please understand that I get your anger. I share it. We are closer than we are apart. We share the same goal.

                              Have a good night friend.

                              • Egon
                                1 month ago

                                deleted by creator

                                • SmilingSolaris@lemmygrad.ml
                                  7 months ago

                                  I already said that I didn't come into this conversation with intent to be convinced. Apologized for that, and tries to disengage on good terms. Call that a fucking high horse all you want, I call it recognizing that I am defensive and needing to settle that mindset back to an open state before being able to do self crit.

                                  That shit takes time and a proper state of mind. Of which I am not in right now. And you instead choose to tell me to die and call me a fascist that you'd beat.

                                  I am being as open about that as possible, your acting as if for every second I don't declare I won't vote for Biden another genocide starts up.

                                  You kept pushing it. I'm not even arguing the idea anymore. I am just arguing about why will you not let me kindly end the discussion on good terms even after I acknowledged that I couldn't, at this moment, dissect my entire stance on voting because I had become emotional. Why did you need to keep pushing it towards hate?

                                  Because I came off as a smug piece of shit? Because I wanted to feel some solidarity with a fellow commie after a disagreement? I'm trying to learn, I have been on a growing journey my whole life. I was a full ass Nazi in a racist ass shit fucking town as a kid and I have done so much to grow past that. All I fucking wanted was to end the conversation so I could think about everything said in a less defensive mindset and feel some good vibes from a peer.

                                  You ruined that for me. You made me feel like shit, I'm even more defensive, and now got to work through all these bullshit feelings of being a "traitor" in some random fuckers eyes before I can begin even considering what you and others said.

                                  • Egon
                                    1 month ago

                                    deleted by creator

                                    • Nakoichi [they/them]M
                                      7 months ago

                                      Slapped em with a 3 day ban so hopefully they take the hint that their bullshit is not welcome here.

                                      Kinda surprising coming from a lemmygrad poster.

                                        • Egon
                                          1 month ago

                                          deleted by creator

                                      • Egon
                                        1 month ago

                                        deleted by creator

                                        • the_post_of_tom_joad [any, any]
                                          7 months ago

                                          Im no mod but that false version of politeness they and other lib bastids all learn by watching Rachel maddow et al gets my back up so hard.

                                          And watching people trying to honestly explain the way the world works while they acted both like the adult in the room and a witless babe at the same time was getting me extra riled up.

                                          They're a liar, i know it in my bones. I think you took it too easy on them

                                  • Egon
                                    1 month ago

                                    deleted by creator

                              • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
                                7 months ago

                                You don't share our anger though! We are angry about a genocide that you want to give passive support towards! Ok? You don't "get it" at all, and you need to get off your smug high horse and admit that to yourself, that you do not understand why we are mad at you. Fuck off with this faux "I understand really!" bullshit, you're not fooling anyone except yourself.

                          • CyborgMarx [any, any]
                            7 months ago

                            At the end of the day we are comrades

                            You're not a comrade by any definition, you're a fascist sympathizing genocide supporting scumbag who hides behind the struggles of marginalized people to advance an incoherent politics centered around YOUR sense of personnel comfort

                            It's quite obvious real world suffering has absolutely no valence on your beliefs except as rhetorical tools to bludgeon people who upset your comfort-centered sensibilities

                          • Vncredleader
                            7 months ago

                            You are a comrade of genocidaires, not us. You are no more our comrade than the SPD was to Thalmann

                        • Æsc@lemmy.sdf.org
                          7 months ago

                          Literally since the founding of the country we’ve never had 50% or more turnout. People who abstain from voting have been the majority in this country this whole time. If not voting fixed a broken system why isn’t it fixed if the majority already don’t vote?

                          • Are_Euclidding_Me [e/em/eir]
                            7 months ago

                            Do you ever think about the reasons why voter turnout is so low here? Consider, by comparison, Cuba, which has over 90% voter turnout. What is different there to here? Why do so many more people (percentage-wise) vote in Cuba than in the US?

                            Instead of spending your time in here getting insulted (which is what is going to happen if you keep commenting in this thread), you might instead go research voting in Cuba. Try to answer for yourself why their voter turnout is so high. Then ask yourself if we here in the US can learn something from the way Cuba does politics.

                            Or you can stay here and get dunked on. You do you.

                            • Æsc@lemmy.sdf.org
                              7 months ago

                              Nice of you to acknowledge that I’m mostly being insulted and dunked on, but if that was going to stop me from commenting why would I even use Lemmy, or any social media?

                              Voting in Cuba is pointless for national elections. It’s a one-party state so each candidate runs unopposed in their district. One-party states are bad. There is nothing the U.S. can learn from voting in Cuba, it is one of the least democratic countries in Latin America.

                              Voter turnout has been 88% or better in Australia since 1925. Why didn’t you list them as an example? Voter turnout is good there because voters are fined a few hundred dollars for not voting. They have a mandatory voting law. That could increase voter turnout in the United States, but if it didn’t come with rules that employers must give their employees time to vote, and states must have fair standards for registering to vote, then it would just be fining poor people for being poor.

                              Other things the United States could do to increase voter turnout: make Election Day on the weekend instead of a Tuesday, which was selected so farmers traveling by horse and buggy could get to the polls. We don’t have that many farmers anymore, much less ones that travel by horse and buggy. That’s really the only rule at the federal level on how states run elections, other rules to increase voter turnout would be implemented by individual states. Early voting, mail-in voting, the ability to register to vote when you’re interacting with a state office anyway, like when you get a driver’s license, or pay your taxes. Letting people vote after they’ve served their prison sentence. Letting people vote while serving their prison sentence. &c.

                              • Egon
                                1 month ago

                                deleted by creator

                              • Are_Euclidding_Me [e/em/eir]
                                7 months ago

                                Voting in Cuba is pointless for national elections. It’s a one-party state so each candidate runs unopposed in their district. One-party states are bad. There is nothing the U.S. can learn from voting in Cuba, it is one of the least democratic countries in Latin America.

                                Ok, thanks for telling me who you are! I can now comfortably join the group of people telling you to fuck off back to reddit.


                              • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
                                7 months ago

                                Man, you can't even name the elephant in the room filling the room with elephant shit: the electoral college makes voting for president outside of like 6 states entirely pointless, which would obviously have an effect on voter turnout. People tend to not want to waste their time voting in a sham election where the results are already decided. You've wasted your time in Hexbear posting a bunch of garbage for what? So people living in New York, Alabama, California, Arkansas, Massachusetts, and Texas can be convinced to check Biden's name as if we don't already know who will win those states.

                                • Æsc@lemmy.sdf.org
                                  7 months ago

                                  "Hexbear has had a track record of antisocial users who will do anything to get offended at anyone, for any reason." --Hexbear front page

                                  OK, that explains a lot.

                                  I left out abolishing the Electoral College because that would require a Constitutional amendment, which is much more difficult to do than get a bill through Congress, or a state bill through state congress, which is all those other solutions would require. Amending the Constitution is also a possible solution for any political problem in the United States, I thought it went without saying.

                                  • taiphlosion@lemmygrad.ml
                                    7 months ago

                                    Fuck the Constitution, it was written by cracker slaveowners seeking to enrich themselves and create a cracker ethnostate.

                                    I think the US needs to be dismantled and destroyed entirely. No names, monuments, or anything reminiscent of the US needs to be completely destroyed and thrown in the dustbin of history and it's physical lands returned to its original owners, because it's what it deserves, having it's entire history bathed in the blood of colonized people.

                                    That's the only thing that'll make this right.

                                  • Egon
                                    1 month ago

                                    deleted by creator

                              • GarbageShoot [he/him]
                                7 months ago

                                Voting in Cuba is pointless for national elections. It’s a one-party state so each candidate runs unopposed in their district. One-party states are bad. There is nothing the U.S. can learn from voting in Cuba, it is one of the least democratic countries in Latin America.

                                How can you just sit there and type "Cuba has elections where only one person is allowed to run for each office"? It's such a stupid thing to say, as though any country would willingly make an exhibition of its own falseness like that. You would do well to actually research Cuba instead of relying on information you got through cultural osmosis from tar-mongers in Miami. In Cuba, you run as a de-facto independent against everyone else, and indeed that includes challenging incumbents. I hope you weren't the same person pretending to be a communist elsewhere in the thread while spreading the most moronic misinformation about a country you've clearly never researched. Like, you know that the US, the entity that you've admitted was fascist as shit just earlier, has been slandering Cuba for close to a century now, right?

                              • BeamBrain [he/him]
                                7 months ago

                                One-party states are bad.

                                I'd rather have one workers' party than two capitalist parties.

                  • Mokey [none/use name]
                    7 months ago

                    Theyll never get it, thats the point. The third world suffer eternal because liberals dont care if thr wrist bending doesnt work

                  • NewLeaf
                    7 months ago

                    deleted by creator

                  • Egon
                    1 month ago

                    deleted by creator

              • the_post_of_tom_joad [any, any]
                7 months ago

                The best case scenario is you own the libs and while they scratch their heads...

                Oh, here's your problem! You are thinking like a child. This is what a child thinks elections are. You'll never understand my position because you don't understand the problem.

                Your words are empty to me because i can tell by your attitude you do not "hear" what i am saying, or even hear the why of anything.

                How could you? You are too busy deciding that everything, even genocide, must be viewed through the lens of the coming election.

                Good god there's gonna be a lot of masked liberals "talking sense to the left" coming up, huh?

                Get better copypasta, because "don't you care bout my queer/brown friends?" is already played out.

                • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
                  7 months ago

                  You are too busy deciding that everything, even genocide, must be viewed through the lens of the coming election.

                  Wow, perfect! The liberal view in a nutshell. Things only have relevance to libs through the lens of the next election to them. Insight unlocked. fidel-salute

              • CarmineCatboy2 [he/him]
                7 months ago

                Biden is putting palastinians in the fucking ground and that is a complaint

                Genocide is a little bit more than a complaint. Especially given that americans are supposed to stop Trump from doing the exact same thing.

              • CyborgMarx [any, any]
                7 months ago

                Biden is putting palastinians in the fucking ground and that is a complaint

                You think anyone's gonna take your unprincipled ass seriously when you call genocide a fuckin "complaint", you don't care about queer people motherfucker, you hide behind their struggles trying to maintain your crumbling sense of normalcy

                I want Trump to win precisely because liberal cockroaches like you will be forced to pretend to take genocide seriously, and in that way LESS people will indeed suffer, because there will be more pressure to oppose fascism unlike today when even the libs have gone full Nazi

                • Amerikan Pharaoh@lemmygrad.ml
                  7 months ago

                  Imagine taking his unprincipled ass serious when he can't even spell Palestine correct when the fuckin nation's been in the news for six fuckin months

              • Amerikan Pharaoh@lemmygrad.ml
                7 months ago

                I'd sacrifice every cishet white Amerikan in this country for any oppressed subject-of-empire in the world in a New York minute. Death to the settler empire, death to the DNC. Voting absolutely does affect my community; do you realize that Biden has sent more military surplus through the 1033 program to PDs all over the country than Trump did with the same amount of time? The cops in my city are two steps and another humvee from being a whole-ass new branch of the military, some City Force-type shit, but "voting doesn't affect the orgs in my community", fuckin sure.

                I hope to Fuck you're the first one to learn the consequences of your electoralist garbage.

              • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
                7 months ago

                I am not willing to sacrifice people,

                Yes you fucking are, you're willing to sacrifice 40,000 Palestinians and counting

          • Infamousblt [any]
            7 months ago

            Hey as a queer person, fuck you. Get my community out of your fucking mouth. Biden has not done one single thing for me or for my community. Do not support genocide in the name of "protecting queer people." Genocide does not protect us. Open slaughter of thousands upon thousands of innocent people does not protect us. Hiding behind the queer community in defense of genocide is cowardly and wrong. "Oh yeah well I have a queer friend" is the new white asshole way to say "well I have a black friend!" I am queer and you don't get to use me as an excuse for genocide.

            • Egon
              1 month ago

              deleted by creator

          • SoyViking [he/him]
            7 months ago

            What has genocide Joe done to stop fascist state legislatures from passing anti-trans legislation? What has he done to prevent them from forcing women to give birth? What has he done to protect the victims?

            I don't know how to tell you this, but a conservative catholic octogenarian with a lifelong history of supporting racists, homophobes and oligarchs is not going to be a progressive just because there's a D next to his name.

            • SmilingSolaris@lemmygrad.ml
              7 months ago

              Those are valid complaints, and all day fuck Joe biden, but at the end of the day I am not an accelerationist. I see no argument from a leftist perspective for not voting for our shitty option unless you think things getting worse will make them better faster. What is the outcome you have in mind? Don't vote to stick it to the libs, trump gets elected and then we all suffer that much more? For what?

              • ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]
                7 months ago

                Your choice isn't between accelerationism or not, it's how funny your buffoon in chief will be.
                Considering the last 4 years of actual events, what makes you think your friends will be any safer under Biden than Trump? He hasn't stopped any of the anti-trans legislation during his presidency, or anti-abortion, or anti-immigrant - who are you trying to protect? Who do you think you are protecting by voting 100% Hitler instead of 100% Hitler?

                • SmilingSolaris@lemmygrad.ml
                  7 months ago

                  It's the difference between lackluster do nothing, or active harm. Biden hasn't stopped it but he's not using his platform to push it. That's a small difference but it's a difference that effects actual people. Is one person not enough for you? Either all must be saved or just let other people make the choices? If you can't have who you want you don't get the privilege of not getting something. Your going to get something weather you like it or not. And I know I'm not going to be the target under trump. I don't have the right to say the people who would be targets arent worth it.

                  • Egon
                    1 month ago

                    deleted by creator

                    • SmilingSolaris@lemmygrad.ml
                      7 months ago

                      And how many of these would still be happening under trump? You act like if you don't vote that there's a chance neither will happen. One or the other will become a reality. Which would you rather live in for your immediate future? None isn't an option.

                      • Egon
                        1 month ago

                        deleted by creator

                        • SmilingSolaris@lemmygrad.ml
                          7 months ago

                          Stop othering me. We are still comrades here.

                          I get what your saying. I'm saying that when they both are the same, the degrees by which they commit these atrocities is the only thing up for consideration. In that scenario my morals dictate that I must advocate for the side I thing will ultimately result in less tragedy, even if I believe that to be slight. A single life makes it worth it.

                          We don't have to agree friend. I know this is a touchy subject for us, especially now and I'm sorry for implying that I was in any way morally superior for my choice over yours and I hope you feel the same. Ultimately the only thing this conversation effects is me and you right now. My vote and your lack of one will change nothing. Neither of us can stop it. Let us not be angry.

                          • Egon
                            1 month ago

                            deleted by creator

                            • SmilingSolaris@lemmygrad.ml
                              7 months ago

                              Buddy, I'm just tired of arguing over something we both agree doesn't even fucking matter. I apologize for grandstanding, I let myself get emotional about justifications that only really apply to me and my state of mind.

                              I am trying to take the high road in the sense I want to be less angry about it. I want to be less angry and less emotional about something we both agree doesn't matter.

                              Like, saying I support all that shit for what? You know I fucking dont. I wouldn't be here if I did. Your just angry and being insulting and I just don't want to fight about it anymore. Weather you like it or not, we are still comrades and trying to act like the issue of voting, which we both know doesn't do anything ultimately anyways changes that is why I want to stop arguing.

                              We are too angry, too emotional, about fucking nothing. And I'm sorry I pushed it this far. I knew how it'd be seen and I wanted to argue my case anyways. I didn't come into it with the ability to be convinced and neither did you. It was pointless to start and has done nothing but make my night one of insomnia. So I'm sorry. Hate me if you want. I'm just trying to genuinely tell you I'm sorry for letting it get here.

                              • Egon
                                1 month ago

                                deleted by creator

                                • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
                                  7 months ago

                                  I think I realise why this guy is making me so mad. I would've been this "well meaning" left-lib white-splaining why "lesser evilism" is great actually about a decade ago. I see my own past smug ignorance in this guy. Someone getting angry at me and calling me out on my bullshit helped me along the path to understanding how ignorant and smug I was being, while thinking I was "helping" disenfranchised people, when the only thing I was really helping was my own ego.

                                  I hope they take this conversation to heart and actually listen to what we've been saying to them, and seek to understand our opposition to them instead of trying to pull this "reaching across aisle, we can agree to disagree" lib shit. I do think they "mean well" they're just completely unaware of how harmful and impotent their attitudes actually are.

                                  • Egon
                                    1 month ago

                                    deleted by creator

                                    • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
                                      7 months ago

                                      That's the thing, they think it is genuine. They think they are "seeing the person on the other side of the screen" and we are failing to do the same. Any time I ever see anyone trying to remind the person they're talking to to "remember the human" it's always someone insisting on "humanity for me, not for thee."

                                      They just flatly aren't understanding that we've seen plenty of people in their position before, and seen those people get better and improve, and examine their own beliefs critically.

                                      I've seen this exact thing in plenty of local organising (and in myself). The guy who encourages us to vote for the "least bad" candidate in bourgeoisie election and discourages others from reading or actively doing anything they find uncomfortable because it "won't help." Finding some excuse as to why their way of doing this is the only correct one, and when they receive pushback, it is always just "people talking past each other" even when it's literally everyone else in the room telling them that they understand their position, but their position is not an acceptable one to have.

                                      It's always a comfortable middle class white guy doing it as well. Someone so used to eating up all the oxygen in the room that they just flat out aren't even aware that they are doing it.

                                      And yeah, their constant insistence that we are "friends" is just code for "This conversation is challenging my pre-concieved notions and making me feel uncomfortable, so stop doing that." but again, they don't seem to realise that we've seen this before, and know how bullshit they're being.

                                      • Egon
                                        1 month ago

                                        deleted by creator

                                        • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
                                          7 months ago

                                          Yeah, I just saw that, funny how the left libs always talk about respecting people, but abandon that respect the instant they are no longer treated as The Most Important Person In The Room. I think this was just a mistake on their part, but we'll see. I have a feeling that their apology (if they even acknowledge that they misgendered you) will be incredibly backhanded and blaming you for their actions.

                                          • Egon
                                            1 month ago

                                            deleted by creator

                                            • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
                                              7 months ago

                                              It was even worse than I thought! You should read it, it's hilarious. They're lucky it's late and I need to head to bed soon, or else I'd probably spend the next couple of hours dunking on this shitlib who thinks they're a communist because they're "open minded" or some shit.

                                              • Egon
                                                1 month ago

                                                deleted by creator

                                • SmilingSolaris@lemmygrad.ml
                                  7 months ago

                                  What is up with you calling me a fascist genocider? Is that really the line for you? If you could kill me right now would you? Am I deserving of that to you? Another guy in the thread thinks so. Tell me you want a fellow communist dead because of a disagreement on voting.

                                  Y'all forget that this text box is a whole ass human being on the other end trying to genuinely connect and talk with you. I didn't come into this conversation to be convinced and that was poor conditions for this conversation, and your going to throw around your big enemy words to what, guilt me? Make me feel bad? Just wanna hurt me? What do you want from me?

                                  • Egon
                                    1 month ago

                                    deleted by creator

                                    • panopticon [comrade/them]
                                      7 months ago

                                      Do not belittle me so. likewise do not talk down to me as if this is some matter of "heated emotions" or something. You are not the first fashy "we see you, we hear you" lib I've met. If you truly respected me as a comrade as you claim, then you would not consign my words to being uttered unknowingly in anger.

                                      Completely unrelated but thank you for putting into words what pisses me off so much about my dumbass lib-Trot housemate hahaha

                          • NewLeaf
                            7 months ago

                            You are no comrade. Delete your useless account, you stupid, breying jackass

          • BountifulEggnog [she/her]
            7 months ago

            Biden is a fascist, you shouldn't imply he isn't.

            You can make a 99% Hitler vs 100% Hitler argument if you want to, but you shouldn't pretend it's fascism vs no fascism. Zionism is fascism and should be labeled as such.

            • SmilingSolaris@lemmygrad.ml
              7 months ago

              Zionism is fascism, Biden is a fascist, but Biden ain't the one talking about declaring himself a dictator. Sure it's 99 vs 100% Hitler, but there is no other option. And my morals say that when you have a bad choice and a worse choice, you don't stand on pride and choose none just for the choice to be made for you.

              • robinn_IV
                7 months ago

                but Biden ain't the one talking about declaring himself a dictator. Sure it's 99 vs 100% Hitler, but there is no other option.

                Did Trump ever seriously talk about "declaring himself a dictator"? When you are only given the choices between 99 and 100% Hitler you reject the system and actually utilize the mass discontent instead of voting for the "least bad bad guys" regardless, effectively guaranteeing whatever they do is acceptable as long as they do not become the other guys.

                • SmilingSolaris@lemmygrad.ml
                  7 months ago


                  Yes, here is him saying it.

                  My personal or our group rejection of the system has no actual material effect except to make things worse. You can't just reject society without having the organized structure in place to actively rebel against it. Just not participating does nothing but make things worse.

                  Voting doesn't stop you from organizing, unionizing and joining local organizations. It does nothing at all but make things worse. Is your argument accelerationist? Do you want things to get bad before getting better? If not I don't see the point in your stance. I don't want to be mean, I don't mean to be rude. I genuinely do not understand. Do you not care what happens tomorrow?

                  • robinn_IV
                    7 months ago

                    Voting doesn't stop you from organizing, unionizing and joining local organizations. It does nothing at all but make things worse.

                    Freudian slip. It stops you from directing votes away from the two parties and showing that changes have to be made.

                    • SmilingSolaris@lemmygrad.ml
                      7 months ago

                      And who has to suffer in the meantime while we see if that gamble pays off? I'm just not willing to make that decision. I can't in good conscious knowing the fact that more people would suffer under trump than Biden. That's my simple calculus.

              • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
                7 months ago

                Biden ain't the one talking about declaring himself a dictator.

                This doesn't mean anything unless your head is still filled with magical liberal thinking. Either he has the power and support to be in power indefinitely or he doesn't. People who can and will do coups don't usually care about how you vote.

              • Mokey [none/use name]
                7 months ago

                There is another option lmao, it involves everything around a bourgeoisie democracy

              • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
                7 months ago

                And my morals say that when you have a bad choice and a worse choice, you don't stand on pride and choose none just for the choice to be made for you.

                And my moral tells me that if I don't live in a small pool of like 6 states, there's absolutely no point in thinking about, let alone voting for, who gets to be president. Not all of us live in Georgia or Michigan. And unless you live in one of those 6 states, congrats, you've wasted your time and energy on something you have absolutely no control over.

              • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
                7 months ago

                There is another option. The French knew that when their Kings and Queens told them to eat cake.

                The fact you don't even consider that is sus. Gaslightng even.

          • Egon
            1 month ago

            deleted by creator

            • SmilingSolaris@lemmygrad.ml
              7 months ago

              I think you misunderstood me. I am saying do not just go vote and then chill. Voting does not stop you from organizing, volunteering and getting involved in your local community and leftist orgs. I'm saying voting is not the be all end all. It's not the secret weapon. But it is a small, basically functionless tool for harm reduction.

              • Egon
                1 month ago

                deleted by creator

                • SmilingSolaris@lemmygrad.ml
                  7 months ago

                  So you should vote for trump then. If you believe him to be the less harmful of the two options. This is me baiting you to tell me you think trump is a less harmful option. Or did you not understand what harm reduction means? Or was is just not enough people whomst harm would be reduced for you to think it's worth it? Or is the people's whos harm would be reduced not be worthy of it?

                  I cannot in good conscious as a cis straight man tell my non binary partner that they need to be the sacrifice to the political statement of "sticking it to the libs"

                  • Egon
                    1 month ago

                    deleted by creator

                    • SmilingSolaris@lemmygrad.ml
                      7 months ago

                      I am not saying shit didn't get worse under Biden. I am saying between Biden and trump that I believe it would be worse under trump and I do not see it within my rights as a group that wouldn't be targeted to cross my arms and say that I won't participate and risk people who would be targeted. I cannot in my own mind be okay with that. It's not my choice. I'm sorry that I implied moral superiority for this mindset. I understand this is my own personal hangup and I got emotional and argumentive. Sorry.

                      • Egon
                        1 month ago

                        deleted by creator

                  • panopticon [comrade/them]
                    7 months ago

                    Harm reduction is when you vote for a fascist who arms and funds Nazis in Ukraine, while arming and funding the mass murder of innocent children. Harm reduction is when we decide that genocide is not a red line, this time

                    • SmilingSolaris@lemmygrad.ml
                      7 months ago

                      Genocide is happening either way, I believe the liberals will do less of a genocide because they at least try to pretend like they aren't doing it. Trump wouldn't care as much. More people would suffer. It's a small insignificant chance in terms of numbers of bodies on a page, but I truly believe less people fucking die this way. Is that not enough?

                      How many human beings need to live over the other option to make it worth it to you? For me it's 1. And I genuinely believe Biden will kill at least 1 less person at least. I am not willing to sacrifice that person on pride.

                  • Egon
                    1 month ago

                    deleted by creator

                    • SmilingSolaris@lemmygrad.ml
                      7 months ago

                      Just because voting doesn't matter in the way it's advertised doesn't mean it actually has no effect whatsoever. It does. Just not the one we was told. That means not to rely on voting as the be all end all, but recognizing at times we can shift things ever so slightly away from the worst case scenario.

                      As for reduction, it doesn't require biden to do anything other than not make things worse than trump would. You answered the question. You believe that harm reduction as in, avoiding a worse outcome of an already bad outcome isn't worth it. If you can't have good, there's no point stopping the worst. I do not understand that stance, besides being blinded to material outcome by anger. I do understand anger. I feel it with you. I just cannot allow that anger to put people on a sacrificial block they don't have to be on.

                      I pain for the palastinians. I cannot express that enough. But right now, with the methods readily available to us, I believe that trump would ruin more of their lives too. I can't be so angry as to remove myself from the outcome and pretend that it wasn't my fault.

                      • Egon
                        1 month ago

                        deleted by creator

                        • SmilingSolaris@lemmygrad.ml
                          7 months ago

                          There is no point talking anymore. You are angry and resorted to insulting. I understand your anger. I share it with you. I genuinely do. Above all else, understand that.

                          In the end, neither your nor my actions will do anything at all. Me convincing your or you convincing me has no effect on anything but each other. Understand, please, on my own morals of wanting the least amount of people to suffer at any given time, i just believe less would suffer under Biden. That is enough for me to be unable to not vote.

                          I'm sorry this has driven us to this angry place. But as a comrade, which we both are, I love you. We are on the same side. Have a good rest of your day friend.

                          • Egon
                            1 month ago

                            deleted by creator

                            • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
                              7 months ago

                              Inb4 their "So much for the tolerant left, now that you've scratched me, I have no choice but to abandon leftism entirely and become pro-fascist!" response.

                              • Egon
                                1 month ago

                                deleted by creator

                                • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
                                  7 months ago

                                  Oh yeah, I just meant their next response will be the typical "left lib" thing of "waah! You were mean to me on the internet! I was going to hold my nose and vote for a genocidal fascist and feel really bad about it, but now I'm going to do it with pride and support his every action because you were mean to me!" thing they always do in this situation after they try their condescending "let's just be friends" thing they do.

                                  • Egon
                                    1 month ago

                                    deleted by creator

                                    • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
                                      7 months ago

                                      I was extremely uncivil to them in my last reply, so they're likely to high road for a bit because I got mad about them insisting that voting for genocide is ok if it means only 999,999 people killed instead of 1,000,000.

                                      Because genocide is one of those things we should just calmly talk about the pros and cons of, instead of opposing entirely.

                                      I've sometimes wondered what a lot of self proclaimed "leftists" would've done under Nazi Germany, and now I know. They would've insisted on voting for the "harm reduction" Nazi.

                                      • Egon
                                        1 month ago

                                        deleted by creator

                                        • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
                                          7 months ago

                                          Figures they love Joe Biden so much, they seem to think that loyalty is something given automatically without question instead of something earned.

                          • NewLeaf
                            7 months ago

                            Fuck off. They're going to have to invent a new insult because I can't think of one bad enough to call you.

                            Fuck you and everyone reading this since I'm sure you're screen capping a bunch of these and posting them in whatever fash hellhole you come from

                            Fuck you and I hope you reap the consequences of your shitty politics faster than the rest of us.

                  • CriticalResist8@lemmygrad.ml
                    7 months ago

                    Trump is a less harmful option. Biden is funding Israel's genocide because he rabidly wants to, at least with Trump there's a chance he might bail in the middle of it just because he's bored that day and he wants to cause some drama.

                    • SmilingSolaris@lemmygrad.ml
                      7 months ago

                      I disagree with that gamble. I'm tired of fighting today. I didn't mean for this to turn into an argument. I'm going to log off and cool it. Think over what everyone has been saying.

                      Just wanted to put it out there that we are comrades, even after this disagreement over something we both say ultimately does nothing.

                • Adkml [he/him]
                  7 months ago

                  Because they're a liberal who has never considered political action outside of voting for the anointed dem every 4 years.

                  • NewLeaf
                    7 months ago

                    Liberals on reddit-logo were saying that the pro Palestine protests the other day "looked to coordinated to be grassroots" and are "Russian influence" because "they have the same goal as Putin" which is apparently making Biden look like an idiot?

                    Know how I know these libs have never organized? Because apparently they think protests are when a bunch of randos decide independent of each other to go to a place and hold glib signs. They can't fathom that there are different groups that meet up and plan where the action will take place.

                    • Adkml [he/him]
                      7 months ago

                      They didn't see the march advertised on Twitter with a link to buy your own merchandise before hand so they assume it isn't a real protest.

                      • NewLeaf
                        7 months ago

                        That's true. We all know liberals won protesting with the pussy hat parade.

        • Mokey [none/use name]
          7 months ago

          My money is that they were banned from reddit for being a weird pervert

      • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
        7 months ago

        Holy shit, go back to reddit.

        EDIT: This loser had a snoo profile picture, but they seem to have changed it to a...cartoon facebook avatar? After being mocked for their redditorness.

      • CrispyFern [fae/faer, any]
        7 months ago

        You're absolutely right. I hereby refuse to vote Trump because I believe he would fund genocide. Do you pledge to not vote Biden because he funds genocide?

      • Magician [he/him, they/them]
        7 months ago

        Why do you think they're gonna vote for Trump? Clearly he is choosing not to vote for a presidential candidate who supports genocide.

        • Æsc@lemmy.sdf.org
          7 months ago

          Regardless of who they vote for, there are only two possible outcomes to the election, unless one of the nominees dies before then. Either Trump will win, or Biden will win. If you want Biden to lose, that only happens if Trump wins.

          • Sickos [they/them, it/its]
            7 months ago

            I fail to see how the outcome of an election could affect a nation's politics in a long-term meaningful way. Why are you so worried about an election? It's a popularity contest for morons. Go buy a gun and learn to make some real change in the world.

          • Egon
            1 month ago

            deleted by creator

            • Æsc@lemmy.sdf.org
              7 months ago

              First-past-the-post voting incentivizes voting against the candidate you don’t want to win by voting for the candidate most likely to beat him. So scaremongering about the other candidate is a strategy often used to great effect. Trump used scaremongering against Hillary in 2016. Trump’s using scaremongering against Biden now. George H.W. Bush famously used scaremongering about crime to win.

              Also their platforms are not the same. Trump has Project 2025.

              • Egon
                1 month ago

                deleted by creator

                • Æsc@lemmy.sdf.org
                  7 months ago

                  I thought you were the one who said the Democratic and Republican platforms are the same. Now you're noticing that the examples of winning with scaremongering are all Republican wins. Are you doing a bit?

                  • Egon
                    1 month ago

                    deleted by creator

              • Mokey [none/use name]
                7 months ago

                The fascist are always going to have been scary rhing that make liberals fascism more palletable and swallowable, even if its in someways worse than the big scary republican bs. Lets just fuck off that whole thing completely

              • Amerikan Pharaoh@lemmygrad.ml
                7 months ago

                And the democrat platform is to let Republicans install planks of Project 2025 while Democrats have the ball; so fuck that line of thought too lmao. You're not cudgeling this out for your genocidal dixiecrat.

          • SoyViking [he/him]
            7 months ago

            If genocide Joe wants to win he has to make a compelling case that he is going to be meaningfully better than Trump on the issues that matters to voters.

            Until now he has been working hard to make the opposite case.

          • NewLeaf
            7 months ago

            Oh man, remember when it wasn't going to be an issue because trump was going to jail any minute now we totally promise™?

            How many daddy's of the week have to be wrong before you stop believing he will he held to any account? You really think somehow, jack smith is going to do anything? Best bet is it will be another wet fart like Mueller or whatever the last daddy of the week was.

          • CommunistCuddlefish [she/her]
            7 months ago

            I want Biden to lose.

            I also want Trump yo lose.

            That's why I'm not voting for either of them.

            If enough voters suddenly developed a conscience and rejected genocide, voted third party, neither genocidal monster would win. But sure, be mad at the people who oppose genocide instead of all the little Nazis who support genocide.

        • Æsc@lemmy.sdf.org
          7 months ago

          Not really.

          If you’re not in a swing state then you could throw your support behind your preferred third-party candidate, or write in the name of literally any person you can think of who would cut off aid to Israel.

          But not voting just says you’re OK with whomever the other voters pick for president. It says you don’t see a meaningful difference between Biden and Trump. And if you honestly don’t, OK, you’re allowed to think that. But in November, unless one of them dies, either Biden is going to win the election, or Trump is. The want to discourage people from voting against them. If you’re not voting you’re neutral so they don’t care as much.

            • Whippygoatcream@reddthat.com
              7 months ago

              This is great lol I'm surprised I haven't seen this sooner. Can anyone (with more technical ability than myself) do a mashup of the opposite? I fear it'll look scarily similar to Biff from Back to the Future.

            • SoyViking [he/him]
              7 months ago

              From a pragmatic point it would be easier for the propaganda apparatus to explain away a smaller than usual turnout (voters are lazy, etc.) than a larger than usual this party vote.

              Either way they'll do their best to bury it though.

              • MayoPete [he/him, comrade/them]
                7 months ago

                That's why I advocate "undervoting". Go vote, cast a ballot, but leave the spots with no good options blank. It shows that you aren't a "lazy" voter, actually voted, and chose the hidden "none of the above" option.

          • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
            7 months ago

            I'm not ok with anyone being president because the USA shouldn't exist and there's no way of expressing this sentiment through voting for president. The president is an administrator of a death machine directed by capital. There's no option for me to vote how I truly want nor do I believe calling for specific votes would be an effective route to secure my goal of nullifying the constitution and installing a communist government. Instead of worrying about the particulars of which genocidal fascist gets into office, I'll instead direct my efforts towards dismantling the USA in its entirety.

      • Egon
        1 month ago

        deleted by creator

        • NewLeaf
          7 months ago

          Ohhhh I've got this one!

          "Any vote not for Biden or not voting at all is a vote for trump"

          maybe-later-kiddo maybe-later-honey smuglord

          • Egon
            1 month ago

            deleted by creator

      • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
        7 months ago

        I think Trump will fund a genocide. I know Biden is funding a genocide. I also know Trump was funding that same genocide four years ago when he was in office. When he moved the embassy just to appeal to the zionist monsters. Track record proven.

        Also given that a lot of people are finally awakening to the reality experienced by Palestinians we can safely conclude that Obama, Bush, all the rest going back 75 years were funding a genocide. You really think you can shame us into supporting a system that is so demonstrably rotten to the core on some sort of lesser-evilism bullshit? The time to be fed up with this shit was decades ago. But it's better late than never. That's a real sentiment of lesser fucking evil.

      • Infamousblt [any]
        7 months ago

        I know a second Biden term will fund a genocide because that's what the first Biden term is doing.

      • CyborgMarx [any, any]
        7 months ago

        Would liberals support and back a Trump genocide, unlike the Biden genocide that IS currently happening

        • Amerikan Pharaoh@lemmygrad.ml
          7 months ago

          Nah, soon as Trump's in they're gonna hard-pivot and pretend they bled their lily-white hearts out for Palestine the whole time their man was bombing Gaza back into the Stone Age. I remember how they acted about their Drone King the moment the White House was turned over.

      • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
        7 months ago

        An assailant is beating your family to death with a bat. But if you stop him, maybe another guy will come along and pick up the bat, and maybe he might be hypothetically stronger, so I guess you better cheer on the guy currently beating your family to death instead.

        There are arguments as to why a Trump admin could also be theoretically better in terms (less competent, more easily swayed, might actually see opposition), but it doesn't matter. Because if you're playing hypothetical games at this point about a fucking genocide you're just trying to excuse the fact you're fine with it. And if that's the case, fuck you.

      • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
        7 months ago

        So your pitch is we should vote for Biden because he'll do the same genocide that Trump will do?

      • CarmineCatboy2 [he/him]
        7 months ago

        I heard Trump has plans to send the US Navy to ensure the genocide continues, on top of funding Israel too!

      • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
        7 months ago

        hypothetical genocide under Trump vs. actual genocide occurring right now under Biden

        The correct answer is C, none of the above. Two bourgeois genocidal freaks are our only options, and you don't seem to see that as an extremely urgent problem

  • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
    7 months ago

    We have a lot of fucking liberal ass losers in here. Must be election season.

    Liberals have pulled this "You'd better vote for us because the other guy will literally kill you if they win!" thing since the 60s, they've just shifted around the minority group they target with their threats.

    Maybe if liberals wanted a coalition with leftists, they'd try to do more than piss on our heads and say it's raining. You wanna vote for genocide Joe, that's your prerogative. But don't come in here and try to guilt me into voting for your boy who's out here running guns to a fascist ethnostate, who has done NOTHING to protect those minority groups, who's still building a wall, who's still raising the military/ICE budgets, and try to act like you're some high and mighty, moralistic motherfucker.

    You want blue team to win because you think it's "harm reduction" to wait 10-15 years to implement whatever terrible thing conservatives want to do today.

    Don't believe me? How's that border wall thing going?

    • barrbaric [he/him]
      7 months ago

      I don't know about that, this Uncommitted person seems to be making waves. Shame they couldn't get on all the ballots.

    • Æsc@lemmy.sdf.org
      7 months ago

      Technically he’s not unopposed, at least not in some states. But no incumbent president has ever done well in the election when he has to campaign in a primary, if he was challenged the most likely outcome would be he’d win the primary but lose the election.

      • DefinitelyNotAPhone [he/him]
        7 months ago

        Incumbent presidents who have to campaign in the primaries generally lose the election because they're unpopular. That's why they have to campaign in the first place. The fact that Biden is currently historically unpopular for this point in his term is a sign that maybe he should be getting the LBJ treatment even by liberal standards, but Blue MAGA is going to Blue MAGA and throw the election like it's 2016 all over again.

        • Æsc@lemmy.sdf.org
          7 months ago

          But he’s not having to campaign in the primary, and he is winning it. So I guess he is popular enough.

          It’s ironic that people who dislike Biden so much still don’t know Dean Phillips exists.

          • Egon
            1 month ago

            deleted by creator

  • RyanGosling [none/use name]
    7 months ago

    I love that in all the scenarios, we have to be “pragmatic” and not let perfect be the enemy of good, but Biden has to do nothing.

    • M68040 [they/them]
      7 months ago

      Yeah, that's the part that sits badly about this whole angle to me. What, I owe a bunch of completely detached motherfuckers success? They sure seem like they're barely bothering to show up. If I was halfassing my job this bad i'd've been fired a year ago.

    • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
      7 months ago

      He's not even doing that, he's being actively terrible. But we're told we have to vote for him because the other guy is going to be MORE terrible.

      Maybe if libs want us to vote for him, he should try and not do terrible things? Just a thought.

    • CommunistCuddlefish [she/her]
      7 months ago

      Don't let the perfect be the enemy of good. I know Claudia de la Cruz has some flaws like being the underdog, but she's the best candidate we can get on the ballot!

  • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
    7 months ago

    When do we get a say on how the usual process works? honk

    When do we get a say on how the usual process works, motherfucker? big-honk

    • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
      7 months ago

      I have to admit - I have no idea what the goose (duck?) emojis represent. What are they?


      Edit. Now I know.

      • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
        7 months ago


        A reference to this meme. The implication is that the person being memed on is intentionally omitting critical information or ignoring an important fact.

        • Egon
          1 month ago

          deleted by creator

          • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
            7 months ago

            Uncritical support for comrade goose exercising their right to armed resistance against human settler colonialism.

    • Adkml [he/him]
      7 months ago

      In the primaries of course.

      Which they just canceled in my state for the second time in a row.

  • WhatDoYouMeanPodcast [comrade/them]
    7 months ago

    I don't think Biden being a pragmatic choice is a settled matter. I haven't seen anything that implies he is a meaningful distinction on things I care about.

    Israel? Nope

    Student debt? Nope

    Abortion? Nope

    Unions? Nope

    Climate change? Nope

    The border? Nope

    Homelessness? Nope

    War on drugs? Nope

    Inflation? Nope

    Tax lobbying? Nope

    Healthcare? Nope

    LGBT protection? Maybe if you squint your eyes

    Campaign finance? Nope

    Difference between productivity and purchasing power? Nope

    Copyright? Nope

    Breaking up big business monopolies? Nope

    Oh yeah...


    WAR????????????????? FUCKING NO

    The worst most hawkish fascist military might that has ever existed and continues to constrict the entire planet? Nope

    The only difference is whether fascists get radicalized or they get emboldened

  • DickFuckarelli [he/him]
    7 months ago

    “I wouldn’t vote for me if I believed Tara Reade.”

    Guess I'm the asshole for believing Tara Reade.

  • Skeleton_Erisma [they/them, any]
    7 months ago

    >didn't get exactly what you wanted

    And this right here is actually the crux of the issue showing itself in full force.

    You ever wonder why shit gets sandbagged?

    These smug liberals genuinely see our hardships and concerns but draws the conclusion "oh well good golly gee willickers! I guess they just love to throw tantrums".

    There's nothing more I can say except pit.

  • huf [he/him]
    7 months ago

    "not getting exactly what you wanted", like i'm gonna have to eat chocolate ice cream with hershey's kisses in it instead of milka drops...

    but in reality it's oops genocide

  • CTHlurker [he/him]
    7 months ago

    After reading through the list of liberal complaints about what a unique and scary thing a 2nd Trump term would be, in particular with regards to the Project 2025, I'm beginning to wonder why Libs don't ever make demands of their party. Like, if Trump plans on sacking a whole bunch of civil-servants because they are perceived as disloyal to him/the GOP, then you already know what the gameplan for the Right is going to be, so just begin making your own preparations. Begin making your own database of freaks whom the GOP has put into power for being loyal foot-soldiers to the party and the second you get back into any sort of room that with decisionmaking power, begin ruthlessly purging them. Not like Biden is even against the concept of a purge, judging by how his team of bat-shit Neocons are currently running Ukraine.

  • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
    7 months ago

    If the usual process isn't giving the majority what they want THAN IT ISN'T A FREE DEMOCRACY AND PEOPLE SHOULD REVOLT YOU MORON

  • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
    7 months ago

    he is the nominee, through the usual process.

    Oh yeah the usual process where we have a primary election to decide the nominee. I sure am glad there’s a primary I get to vote in to decide the nominee.

    Oh wait, my state didn’t even have a primary! So no dipshit, he didn’t become the nominee by the usual process, he became the nominee by being entirely unopposed.

    • Adkml [he/him]
      7 months ago

      This is my favorite part of the argument.

      "You can voice your disapproval in thenorimaries but we have to all agree to come together and support whoever the nominee is"

      shamelessly rat fucks every other nominee at every turn and repeatedly takes away your ability to even theoretically voice that disaproval

      "Why is everybody unhappy with our candidate"

      If your boss told you they had to fire you because you were late for work you would be reasonably upset if you had caught him slashing your tires that morning.

  • ZWQbpkzl [none/use name]
    7 months ago

    These people simply dont see Biden as a sponsor of genocide. There's no point in arguing with someone over whether or not to vote for Biden if you both can't agree on that fact.

      • Adkml [he/him]
        7 months ago

        This is the ultimate sticking point for me.

        Biden does not need ro be doing a genocide, it isn't propping up support for him.

        If they didn't want to do a genocide they could stop and increase support.

        If they wanted to increase support they could stop doing a genocide.

        But they don't, because continuing rhe genocide is, obviously from observable reality, more impirtant to them than easily beating those fascists they want you to he so concerned about.

        If Biden announced today he was stopping aid to Isreal he'd win the election by 20 points.

        But instead he won't and they'll just spend more time and energy blaming us.